Comments on: The Disclosure Project May 9th 2001 National Press Club Conference and DEAFENING SILENCE: Media Response to the May 9th Event and its Implications Regarding the Truth of Disclosure by Jonathan Kolber Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 10 Mar 2010 00:32:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: M Wed, 10 Mar 2010 00:32:15 +0000 Privitization of space in the 2030s or so due to molecular nanotech will force the hand of the insiders, they won’t have a choice. Some form of disclosure will have to be made. Spin and disinformation is to be expected, but it may not be enough to close Pandora’s box. What are the inplications?

1. We don’t have representative democracy. It’s a scam. Extra legal power structures exist that circumvent the electoral process. The common man has no say in issues that affect the welfare of the entire species. The people are divided over hot button topics like stem cell research and gay marriage, but when it comes to macro level issues, they have no say.

2. We don’t have a free press. The ET issue is dead serious as these whistleblowers assert. Former astronauts have said black intelligence groups have bodies and craft. Why is this not investigated by serious journalists, instead only spoken about in a mocking tone? They are either controlled or retarded.

3. Mainstream academia is at the very least incompetent. They go on and on about the Fermi paradox but refuse to look into the UFO issue. The Belgian Air Force has gun camera footage of aircraft making 90 degree turns at 2,000 mph. Google “black triangles” and you’ll see it. These objects exhibit flight characteristics far in advance of any known aerospace technologies. We have former engineers for Lockheed Skunkworks and Raytheon coming foward to talk about reverse engineering of alien craft, space based weapons systems and the like. These are Phds with top secret security clearances, not redneck “contactees.” The cognitive dissonance and denial is getting old. Take a look at Richard Dolan’s books. He lays it out very well. No BS just empirical fact finding. Skepticism is healthy, stupidity is not. Scientists would rather play mental gymnastics than look at what’s in front of them. It’s disgusting.

According to the intelligence, military and scientists involved, the reason for the cover up is maintaining control of the population. The technology the ETs posess would provide unlimited, clean energy. This would completely destroy the current economic system. They’ve made the decision that human beings can’t be free. The Third world will remain politically impotent, people in general will remain slaves to money and debt. The fractional reserve bankers will retain their leash over the governments they loan money to and then charge interest to in the form of income taxes. Globalization and economic centralization into their hands will continue. See “Money as Debt” and “The Money Masters.” There is no conspiracy here, the facts can’t be spinned, it is what it is.

The amount of anger this information will cause can’t be underestimated. How many people were condemned to poverty and starvation because humanity wasn’t deemed ready for free energy technologies? This is a crime against humanity, cut and dry.

As we approach the singularity, it’s going to become apparent to the public that our society operates under a number of big lies. It’s not just the ET issue. How will the bankers react to the nanofactory and their reduced influence? Who will have access to radical life extension and gentic enhancement technologies? Will robotics and software eliminate jobs, or the very concept of work itself? No amount of denial will make these issues go away. We can no longer pretend that special interests don’t exist in our society and exercise tremendous influence disproportionate to their number. The problem of the parasite class will have to be dealt with. The sociopaths that run the fractional reserve banking system will not give up their power voluntarily. There will be blowback. When people can no longer be controlled by money, more draconian measures may be implemented. It’s going to get ugly. The fact that it even has to get to that point speaks volumes about our species.
