Comments on: Hating Technology is Hating Yourself Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:50:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Thu, 25 Nov 2010 02:18:32 +0000 What a load of garbage.

This reference describes what technological civilization in its current form is really all about.

The “culture” thus created has inevitably created the situation described via this reference.

By: Samuel H. Kenyon Sun, 07 Nov 2010 03:04:26 +0000 Everything can pose a threat if used maliciously or without any quality or security control. My essay refers to the premise that technology and humanity are not divided, and that transformation occurs over time, not instantaneously. Even if human culture changes radically in one day, it’s still a systemwide change. Comparing our situation today to a situation that is exactly like today but with the one single change of supercomputers hooked up to physical machinery that can cause mass homicide running programs that lead to a goal of murdering all instances of a particular type of animal on Earth is fiction. Perhaps worthwhile fiction, but still fiction.

Your second paragraph is a deeply problematic matter which is very much something to worry about. In general I want all humans (or whatever we replace ourselves with) to have access to truly worthwhile subset of high-tech, and not be so far behind to be in an essentially different historic time of human evolution.

By: Jon Sun, 07 Nov 2010 02:23:58 +0000 I disagree that super-smart computers pose no threat or competition to humans. If they decided that humans were no longer needed, they could easily wipe us out. And programming them to feel otherwise is no easy task; any machine that was sufficiently motivated could change its programming.

Clashes between high-tech civilizations and low-tech civilizations have not ended well for the underdog in the past. I fail to see why this would be fundamentally different.
