Comments on: Singularity Economics Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 10 Jun 2011 20:56:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stock market today Fri, 10 Jun 2011 20:56:23 +0000 That is one scary assessment of the future! While collar jobs are gonna be replace by robots? yuck! creepy! Great article thought! Very thought provoking indeed!

By: Penny Stock Wed, 08 Jun 2011 22:38:04 +0000 I think we should stay hopeful. Jerry Brown was not aware of what’s commonly referred to as human capital. The automation and production may not need manual laborers but they need educated thinkers. and so ppl are more likel than ever to get higher education and pursue better jobs!

By: robomoon Fri, 03 Dec 2010 16:34:43 +0000 Enough Gas Is Secure Enough

AI as a Prosperity Engine works on computers, not in gas clouds. Computers must be produced and run by utilization of power.

What is actually showing under the header of economic theories: “That economic conditions have stimulated war in all ages is a commonplace of history. In this view wars begin as a pursuit of territory for natural resources and for wealth.”

Because of modern weaponry, war and the risk of terrorism are beginning to merge in some cases. Who would act like an immortal now? The phrase “immortality forum” at got me to IMMORTEK where a thread about population density states: Overpopulation? It is not a problem!

While population density is increasing, there must be more tall buildings “skyscrapers” where those many people can be dwelling, learning, and working. Better structures would be required for vertical farming, but also for prisons.

The security study CORRECTIONS IN A NEW LIGHT: DEVELOPING A PRISON SYSTEM FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY by James Houston and Dragan Stefanoviae is referring to the demand for more prison space with the following finding: “States that have a larger population density tend to have a higher incidence of crime and consequently require more prison capacity than states with a lower population density.”

So it does not work to build and maintain all those tall prison buildings without sufficiently useful and secure energy resources. There must be hope that nobody wants to subject inmates to less life quality and finally to a higher risk of capital punishment, not for better justice, but only because of scarce energy resources. Yet, without better justice, some dangerous terrorists will only find more reasons to come forward with their violent attacks on our society.

One of the great misconceptions about energy is our current dependency on fossil fuel. This is mostly political interest, PR, and hot air, nothing more. How many times have we people been warned by popular risk theories about Peak Oil, Global Warming and Ecological Footprint while most people are uncertain about a real reversal of those footprints? How many times have we been fooled with misleading information that there will be solar satellites, clean atomic energy, and whatever green nonsense to replace mineral oil? Often too much!

Forget Peak Oil! Why are the global corporations so reluctant to talk about gas, just natural gas, biogas, whatever gas? Think, because there is more than enough natural gas obtainable at the bottom of the ocean! Some biogas can be even produced and harvested by farmers. That is why.

Global corporations obviously support energy scarcity to sell their power for higher prices. Anyone wants to become a global monopoly with this trick, but all will be tricked by scarcity itself. Now, enough is enough! We must get more thermal solar power at daytime and whatever gas power at night. Break free for our right and duty to supply this power outside and inside our prisons, just for higher security!

By: Mentifex Tue, 30 Nov 2010 23:56:38 +0000 This economics issue troubles me immensely even as I code and release the AI software which I believe inexorably leads to a Technological Singularity. As an undergraduate I took twenty-five credit-hours of economics classes to try to get a grip on this issue. Although I release my open-source artificial intelligence as the economic basis for a Prosperity Engine, I am troubled by the dilemma residing in the fact that I must give my AI away in order for it to succeed, while I fear that the big corporations will take the AI and use it to oppress the masses. Solving AI was relatively easy, but solving the economic mess seems nigh unto impossible/

By: Edgar Swank Tue, 30 Nov 2010 07:51:51 +0000 The key phrase in the article is, “If it is possible to provide these things as a birth right, while not infringing upon the rights of others…” It is not! Taking by force from the productive to provide positive “rights” to the unproductive is a big infringement. If you want to solve unemployment in a very short time, just get government out of the way. Repeal minimum wage, OSHA, unemployment “insurance,” etc., There is a job for (almost) everyone at a sufficiently low wage. Automation is expensive. People are plentiful. They just keep making more of themselves. One thing automation can’t replace, at least until realistic human-level AI androids arrive, is personal service. Any wage above zero is a “living” wage if room & board are included.

By: robomoon Fri, 26 Nov 2010 12:29:15 +0000 “What is needed now is a new economic paradigm, new theories, and a new understanding for the new coming age.”

Espc. a new understanding is needed. Just look at SENS:…s-for.html

Can a Monty Python theme of the above hyperlinked article help to understand SENS better; a new theory that offers rejuvenation biotechnologies to allow a move away from increasingly niche and expensive treatment development based on metabolic or pathologic interventions?

Such engineering strategies extending economically-productive lifespan are based on a new socioeconomic paradigm with the benefit of reducing social welfare costs. Can enough people in many countries sufficiently understand their methods of financial planning in hindsight to the upcoming limits of growth in China and other emerging economies?

By: Jeffrey Dean Hochderffer Thu, 25 Nov 2010 17:26:49 +0000 I saw this article today that’s predicting 10–40 percent decline in lawyers in the near future. That’s progress!…-35-years/

By: jared.daniel Thu, 25 Nov 2010 04:07:01 +0000 As you were writing this post, think about the current economic situation in the US. Record corporate profits and sky-high unemployment. Maybe the transition to permanent lack of need for human labor is happening now.
