Comments on: The Existential Importance of Life Extension Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 27 Mar 2011 23:47:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Win Wenger Sun, 27 Mar 2011 23:47:43 +0000 I happen to be preparing a book on — or centrally featuring, I haven’t decided which — indefinite life extension, a subject which has had my interest for 65 years. Certain definite existential considerations:

1) If we make anything like that breakthrough in human longevity, we very urgently have to develop space in a huge way, as immediately as possible. Even if a lot of us don’t physically move off of the planet, we will need the limitless resources, certainly of the solar system, in order for not only comfortable living but the population itself to survive.

2) The process or treatment cannot be rationed either by cost, price, political pull, lottery or even merit. To provide it to some and not to others will absolutely blow up and destroy civilization. Instead, it has to be made available to everyone who wants it, immediately that the process emerges.

By: Michael Fossel, MD, PhD Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:51:17 +0000 As a founding board member of LIFEBOAT, I’m delighted to see the members take an interest in this topic, particularly since it is about to come to a head, given recent developments in the field (including a running 4 year clinical trial). For those interested in discussing the social aspects, I will be debating the head of Zero Population Growth (not much of a debate as I tend to agree with John about the implications of extending maximum lifespan) on Thursday April 8th at the Ford Forum in Boston (

For those with a more clinical interest in the pathology and in clinical intervention, I will be giving a medical webinar this Friday, April 1st entitled “Telomeres and Aging” hosted by TA Sciences ( in which I discuss the current clinical data, as well as the underlying biology and the pathology at the cellular level.

For those with a truly academic interest, I refer you to my Oxford University Press textbook on the topic, “Cells, Aging, and Human Disease” (2004) or one of my many articles in JAMA and elsewhere, or to the final chapter of my first book “Reversing Human Aging” (Morrow, 1996) in which I addressed the social implications of doubling or tripling the healthy human lifespan.

I hope you will all continue to debate this topic. Few of us realze just how relevant this concern is about to become, nor do they realize how close we are to effectively reversing the genetic basis of human (and general biological) aging. In short: we are about to live in VERY interesting times.

By: robomoon Thu, 24 Mar 2011 20:36:09 +0000 How about a guideline for governments about the advantages of full spectrum light bulbs with UV rays? Some countries already made efforts to encourage adoption of CFL’s, those energy saving light bulbs, you know. Some parrot owners are using full spectrum light bulbs to give their loved pets healthier feathers. Also humans flourish under that light, from more Vitamin D the body is producing — like with real sunlight.

And with bright light they can read more too — only the humans, not the birds. But this is good enough for measurements against an increasing mental senility in the older aging generation. Those measurements will help to prepare for negligible senescence involving further parts of the body, next to brain cells.

Certainly, not anyone will mess with the big business of the food supplement producing industry. So in the meantime, just swallow the bitter pill and keep on reading about whatever provides security. For e.g., that people with light-sensitive conditions need to be careful with UV rays. It is important to read how smearing that combination of anti-aging and sun protection lotion in the face should finally protect light-sensitive skin.
