Comments on: Wildlife Sanctuaries in Eco-Disaster Areas Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 21 Oct 2016 07:38:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Kerwick Thu, 19 Jan 2012 12:32:59 +0000 Gary — I did not alter a comment of yours. I merely deleted one line which included a profanity, rather than delete the entire post. I am being quite patient with you. You have deleted over a dozen comments from me on other threads you started merely because you disagreed with the subject matter. Treat others with a bit more respect.

Anything else you want to add on the subject matter of this thread please feel free to continue. I will only delete offensive remarks & profanities. I would certainly not delete your opinions on the subject matter of eco-disaster areas and wildlife sanctauries, regardless of whether I agree with them, as that’s what a discussion forum is all about.

By: GaryChurch Wed, 18 Jan 2012 23:30:14 +0000 You edited my comment Tom. You cannot alter people comments- not without being exposed. You can delete all you want- but not alter someone else’s post. You understand?
Not unless you want me to contribute an article detailing this absolute no-no.

By: GaryChurch Wed, 18 Jan 2012 02:05:39 +0000 “Jesus Gary are you that dimwitted.”

By: Tom Kerwick Tue, 17 Jan 2012 23:38:25 +0000 That’s not quite the case now Gary. Conservation of natural beauty… yes. We try for that. To introduce an ecosystem into any area dominated by industry like that.. and yes a (beautiful) desert terrain… you just don’t understand the difference between eco-sanctuary and landscape preservation, nor what habitat provides good sanctuary.

By: GaryChurch Tue, 17 Jan 2012 23:12:00 +0000 “-a lot of your posts here don’t follow rational thought patterns”

Well, since you are posting about sanctuaries and nuclear energy I thought you had some knowledge of the subject.
Mojave solar plants are opposed by conservationists- who would consider a solar farm in the mojave an eco-disaster.

You can sling monkey crap politely but it is still monkey crap Tom.

By: Tom Kerwick Mon, 16 Jan 2012 19:12:03 +0000 Gary thanks for your response — not sure a lunar nuclear facility could ever take off, at least not in the foreseeable future, both the economic and engineering hurdles would be far too great. The level of nuclear weapons on Earth today which can provide mutually assured destruction many times over is a testimony to how insane humanity is. I can’t agree that they have saved lives, as this is only a short term metric, and it is probably only a matter of time before one is used in anger.

As for your response to the topic I addressed, I don’t see why you pitch solar energy farms as eco-disaster areas, or why the Mojave desert is a great location for a biodiverse sanctuary either, or why you think a solar energy farm would in any way make a suitable wildlife sanctuary but then again a lot of your posts here don’t follow rational thought patterns… but yes, it is an alternate energy source that should be exploited a lot more.

By: GaryChurch Wed, 11 Jan 2012 19:39:21 +0000 Hello Tom,
I might hold a fairly unique opinion in that I am not a supporter of nuclear energy on earth- but believe it is the only way to colonize the solar system and want it developed on a massive scale for the space industry. The moon would be a good place for the nuclear industry. If you are curious about this view please see my essays on “Water and Bombs” and “Plowshare in Space.” I am also of the opinion that nuclear weapons have saved countless lives by preventing yet another world war- but at the risk of nearly destroying civilization. It is a strange universe.
I have read some interesting stuff on Thorium reactors possibly being used to reduce high level nuclear waste.
I think solar energy farms might be a good place to start in discussing wildlife sanctuaries. The Mojave desert could theoritically provide all the electrical needs of the U.S. But amazingly, there are conservationists who want nothing to do with the idea.
