Comments on: Ivanpah as the future Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 21 Aug 2012 04:40:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: GaryChurch Tue, 21 Aug 2012 04:40:30 +0000 “That comment from Criswell sounds like… lunacy”

David R. Criswell, Ph.D is currently the Director of the Institute for Space Systems Operations at the University of Houston.
I would say you are the loon. Better stick to arguing with Mad Otto over conspiracy theories; I will delete any more of your comments to my posts.

By: Tom Kerwick Mon, 20 Aug 2012 18:32:03 +0000 That comment from Criswell sounds like… lunacy (pardon the pun).

I would agree that a large scale conversion of Earth’s deserts into solar energy plants could solve a lot of energy problems, though shifting sand dunes would be problematic, limiting the type of deserts applicable.
