Comments on: Why We Need to Name Our Planet Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:28:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kurt Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:42:03 +0000 You can name this planet any time you want. So get on with it. I named it already, Naneetka. You write this article and never mentioned a name. What you really want is someone else to do it. That’s weak.

By: David Brandt-Erichsen Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:52:56 +0000 What we really need is a new CALENDAR beginning on July 20, 1969. But that’s not going to catch on either.

By: David Brandt-Erichsen Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:51:04 +0000 We already have a name for our planet: Earth (with a capital “E”). It is a holdover from pre-Copernican thinking that is it more often (mis)spelled “earth”. All we need to do is always use the capital “E”. (Same thing with our Moon, which should always be capitalized when referring to Earth’s Moon and only in lower case when referring to other moons — e.g. the Moon is a moon. Likewise, the Sun is a sun.) Some other name for the Earth is not going to catch on anyway. We already have a good name; just use it properly as the proper noun that it is.
