Comments on: The wars of one: transhumans will finish what hackers and whistleblowers started Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:07:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jerome P Mon, 06 Apr 2015 11:08:54 +0000 Good article. What this world needs is more people like Snowden. And if tech can help those brave people in the fight against the corrupt global system that’s enslaving all of us more and more, then it can only be a good thing. The fact is, the ruling (corrupt) elite will do whatever they can to keep on enslaving/controlling the human race in all sorts of creative ways. Superheroes are not just for comics & Marvel movies, they are much needed in real life, especially more so in the near and longterm future as the ruling elite get their hands on new and dangerous tech. And with exponential advances in robotics, automation will start replacing every single job that can be done by advanced robots. Eventually, the ruling elite will not depend on us humans any longer for their survival. They will depend on technology, i.e. robots, machines, AI. At that very point, all non-elite humans suddenly become dispensable, especially considering that we are already a threat to the elite’s future, the 7 billion of us. I dont think this article is a romanticised view at all of our future. I think what the writer of the article tried to say is that transhumans have a better chance at keeping the corrupt ruling elite in check, than normal humans. Till now, hackers were the ones posing a serious threat to the authorities and other corrupt elite, but their reach was mostly limited to cyberspace. Now, imagine a world where hactivists can do their thing not just inside cyberspace, but outside in the real world too. That would be the game changer that all freedom loving people so desperately need. Therefore, this article is spot on.

By: jason cunningham Tue, 17 Mar 2015 05:09:21 +0000 A think this is a highly romantic view that the hacker ethos will protect transhumanism from being co-opted. People give their very lives to defend or destroy various human institutions. Until education and immortality carry the least of us past violence as a form of debate and the willingness to die for a cause, we will continue to suffer traditional human fates.
