Comments on: Stephen Hawking: “History and memories could be illusions” because of black holes Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:01:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bennie Beaver Sat, 23 Apr 2016 16:33:06 +0000 If the universe is infinite until it is not, then the information fell into the black hole, but then, it didn’t, and it continue on to the end of time; though inclusively it had ended, which is simultaneous with a new beginning, continuing again in a infinite number of possibilities, including the original information.

There is plenty of time in an infinite universe for “never aware (knowing) an ending” even though time ended simultaneous with a new beginning. It’s as if you (or information) could live for ever as far as you know, but still end simultaneous with a new beginning. Yes, to feel you lived forever, but never knowing you/information ended! That is an ultimate wondrous otherly gain from seeking knowledge…Utopia, nirvana. The end! The beginning! The end.….…..
