Comments on: How VR Gaming will Wake Us Up to our Fake Worlds Safeguarding Humanity Sat, 29 Apr 2017 22:48:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Bateson Wed, 29 Jun 2016 10:17:38 +0000 I read your account with some fascination. My autistic daughter was born in 1963, when I joined the board of the UK National Autistic Society in 1980 I was surprised to find the twenty men on the board comprised more than 50% alpha males but could draw no conclusions from that as there were also five who were un-alpha males so fifteen hormonal anomalous men out of twenty. But Prof Boyd Haley explained to me in Washington Nov 2002 that the vulnerability to mercury damage of elevated testosterone was more to do with fluctuating testosterone than absolute amounts. I have seen perhaps 200 autistic children as they grow into adulthood for the main part boys are mannish at an early age and girls are boyish in the same way. Testosterone anomalies are seen in amniocentesis fluids taken from subsequently diagnosed autistic children and Profs Simon Baron-Cohen and John Thomas Manning say testosterone runs through autism families like a river. Over the last thirty years almost six million males in the USA and UK have taken testosterone shots.

Tony Bateson Oxford UK
