Comments on: Bad News is Good News for Bitcoin Investors Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 27 Oct 2017 02:38:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Philip Raymond Fri, 15 Sep 2017 02:15:07 +0000 Hello Bennie,

I would argue (and have argued in other articles) these points:

1. Bitcoin does not interfere with a government’s ability to tax, spend or enforce tax collection.
2. Bitcoin does not facilitate criminal activity any more than other forms of money or payment mechanisms. It is certainly not anonymous.
3. On the other hand, Bitcoin does undermine a government’s ability to control its own monetary policy, reserve and other functions of a national treasury and bank…
4. But a country needn’t be in control of its own monetary policy. In fact, basing currency (not just a payment mechanism) on something that is beyond the control of a transient, elected government presents far more opportunity than threat.

I have been called a leftist and a Libertarian. But, I am far from radical. In fact, economists, legislators and conservatives are gradually coming around to the same opinions. I get into the reasons for #4 in other articles. The role of Bitcoin AFTER a government gets over its legacy controls conveys fundamental advantage to both citizens and governments.

By: Bennie Beaver Fri, 15 Sep 2017 01:48:29 +0000 It’s hard to find much of anything in nature or trade not requiring monitoring & a form of transparency and regulation. Is Bitcoin really a social savior, or siphoning governing and any rule of law, a wispy warm zephyr, ephemeral? We may soon know the answer to the question if Bitcoin gains hugely in popularity.
