Comments on: Liz Parrish talk at RAADfest 2019 (05oct19) Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 22 Jan 2020 08:24:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Roe Wed, 22 Jan 2020 08:24:10 +0000 Liz Parrish is running an offshore medical tourism scam aimed at naive, ill, desperate, wealthy people conning them out of large sums of money in exchange for pseudoscientific quackery.

Liz began her illegal offshore tourism scam unbeknownst to me using my money. It began when we met on –Timothy Caulfield, professor in the Faculty of Law and the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta, characterized BioViva’s work as ‘pseudoscience’ and lacking scientific rigor. George M Martin, professor of pathology at the University of Washington had agreed to be an adviser to the company but resigned upon hearing about Parrish’s self-experiments.
Antonio Regalado, reporter for the MIT Technology Review states, “The experiment seems likely to be remembered as either a new low in medical quackery or, perhaps, the unlikely start of an era in which naive people receive genetic modifications. S.C.A.M. = Self Conceived Attempt @Money

You can read the entire shocking, revolting tale inclusive of pictures from Sugardaddie, Private e-mails, texts and receipts here;
I suggest anyone interested in the nauseating facts do so.
