Comments on: ‘Cosmos’ with Neil deGrasse Tyson returns in March 2020 Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 16 Dec 2019 15:01:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hop David Mon, 16 Dec 2019 15:01:37 +0000 Carl Sagan’s critics were wary of pop science. Would the need to entertain come before substance, rigor and accuracy? Possibly the sloppiest, most inaccurate pop science celebrity ever.

Most of Tyson’s misinformation is harmless. Like who cares if his fans believe there are more transcendental numbers than irrationals? It’s not as if Katie Perry or 99.9% of Tyson’s fans will ever actually study Cantor’s ideas on infinite sets.

Much worse is when Tyson uses his addled memory to invent history. And then uses his bad history in his cautionary tales against religion.

By endorsing Tyson Druyan endorses Tyson’s falsehoods. After all his fictions serve to push the fashionable narrative.

Let Tyson and his supporters become known for their dishonesty.
