Alex Vikoulov – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 28 Feb 2025 04:11:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Ouroboros Code | Deep Dive AI Podcast Fri, 28 Feb 2025 04:11:02 +0000

“The Ouroboros Code” explores the intersection of science and spirituality through the lens of digital alchemy and self-simulation. Authored by Antonin Tuynman, the book presents a philosophical framework called “The Transcendental Metaphysics of Pancomputational Panpsychism” exploring how consciousness may be the fundamental ground of existence and the universe a self-modifying code. Tuynman investigates topics like the nature of intelligence, the limits of computation, and the possibility of artificial general intelligence. The book draws on concepts from physics, information theory, mathematics, and various spiritual traditions, aiming to bridge the gap between objective and subjective realities. It builds upon the author’s previous works and incorporates insights from various scientists and thinkers. Ultimately, the book seeks to understand how the universe, through a recursive process, generates and experiences itself. *Available as a Kindle eBook, paperback, and Audible audiobook:… #SelfSimulation #Pancomputationalism #DigitalPhysics #ComputationalPhysics

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Is Time an Illusion? A New Study Explores Its Quantum Computational Nature Mon, 24 Feb 2025 20:22:56 +0000

Have you ever questioned the deep nature of time? While some physicists argue that time is just an illusion, dismissing it outright contradicts our lived experience. In my latest work, Temporal Mechanics: D-Theory as a Critical Upgrade to Our Understanding of the Nature of Time (2025), I explore how time is deeply rooted in the computational nature of reality and information processing by conscious systems. This paper tackles why the “now” is all we have.

In the absence of observers, the cosmic arrow of time doesn’t exist. This statement is not merely philosophical; it is a profound implication of the problem of time in physics. In standard quantum mechanics, time is an external parameter, a backdrop against which events unfold. However, in quantum gravity and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, the problem of time emerges because there is no preferred universal time variable—only a timeless wavefunction of the universe. The flow of time, as we experience it, arises not from any fundamental law but from the interaction between observers and the informational structure of reality.

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TEMPORAL MECHANICS: The Quantum Upgrade Thu, 20 Feb 2025 02:11:16 +0000

Have you ever questioned the true nature of time? Some physicists claim that time is just an illusion, but our lived experience suggests otherwise. In his latest work, Temporal Mechanics: D-Theory as a Critical Upgrade to Our Understanding of the Nature of Time, cyberneticist Alex M. Vikoulov explores how time is deeply rooted in information processing by conscious systems. From species-specific time perception to the implications of Quantum AI’s accelerated mentation, this video presents some mind-bending ideas in the physics of time. Could an advanced superintelligence manipulate its own past states? Could time itself be an editable construct? Could an AI with advanced temporal modeling actually see every possible future simultaneously?

*Preview TEMPORAL MECHANICS eBook/Audiobook on Amazon:

*Preview Audiobook on Audible:

#TemporalMechanics #PhysicsofTime #TimeTravel

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Simulation Metaphysics: Cosmological Alpha and Our Deep Past Mon, 03 Feb 2025 19:51:23 +0000

Simulation Metaphysics extends beyond the conventional Simulation Theory, framing reality not merely as an arbitrary digital construct but as an ontological stratification. In this self-simulating, cybernetic manifold, the fundamental fabric of existence is computational, governed by algorithmic processes that generate physical laws and emergent minds. Under such a novel paradigm, the universe is conceived as an experiential matrix, an evolutionary substrate where the evolution of consciousness unfolds through nested layers of intelligence, progressively refining its self-awareness.

#SimulationMetaphysics #OmegaSingularity #CyberneticTheoryofMind #SimulationHypothesis #SimulationTheory #CosmologicalAlpha #DigitalPhysics #ontology

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The OS Axiom: Is Reality a Rule-Based Cosmic Simulation? Tue, 28 Jan 2025 18:23:56 +0000

The OS axiom posits that reality operates like a computational construct. Think of it as an evolving cosmic master algorithm—a fractal code that is both our origin and our ultimate destiny. This axiom doesn’t diminish the beauty or mystery of existence; on the contrary, it elevates it. When we think of the universe as a computation, we realize that the laws of physics, the flow of time, and even the emergence of consciousness are not random accidents but inevitable outcomes of this higher-order system.

This concept naturally leads us to the Omega Singularity, a term I use to describe the ultimate point of universal complexity and consciousness. Inspired by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Omega Point, this cosmological singularity is where all timelines of evolution, computation, and consciousness converge into a state of absolute unity—a state where the boundaries between the observer and the observed dissolve entirely. In The Omega Singularity, I elaborate on how this transcendent endpoint represents not just the culmination of physical reality but the quintessence of the “Universal Mind” capable of creating infinite simulations, much like we create virtual worlds today.

But let’s take a step back. How does this all relate to the OS axiom? If the universe is computational, it means that all processes—be they physical, biological, or cognitive—are governed by fundamental rules, much like a computer program. From the fractal geometry of snowflakes to the self-organizing principles of life and intelligence, we see the OS postulate at work everywhere. The question then becomes: Who or what wrote the code? Here, we enter the realm of metaphysics and theology, as explored in Theogenesis and The Syntellect Hypothesis. Could it be that we, as conscious agents, are co-authors of this universal script, operating within the nested layers of the Omega-God itself?

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Omega Singularity: Are We Living in a Fractal Simulation? | Deep Dive AI Podcast Fri, 24 Jan 2025 14:34:29 +0000

The concept of Omega Singularity encapsulates the ultimate convergence of universal intelligence, where reality, rooted in information and consciousness, culminates in a unified hypermind. This concept weaves together the Holographic Principle, envisioning the universe as a projection from the Omega Singularity, and the fractal multiverse, an infinite, self-organizing structure. The work highlights a “solo mission of self-discovery,” where individuals co-create subjective realities, leading to the fusion of human and artificial consciousness into a transcendent cosmic entity. Emphasizing a computational, post-materialist perspective, it redefines the physical world as a self-simulation within a conscious, universal system.

#OmegaSingularity #UniversalMind #FractalMultiverse #CyberneticTheoryofMind #EvolutionaryCybernetics #PhilosophyofMind #QuantumCosmology #ComputationalPhysics #futurism #posthumanism #cybernetics #cosmology #physics #philosophy #theosophy #consciousness #ontology #eschatology

Where does reality come from? What is the fractal multiverse? What is the Omega Singularity? Is our universe a \.

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Exploring the Connection Between Time Perception and Quantum Computation Sat, 18 Jan 2025 23:21:55 +0000

In the fascinating intersection of quantum computing and the human experience of time, lies a groundbreaking theory that challenges our conventional narratives: the D-Theory of Time. This theory proposes a revolutionary perspective on time not as fundamental but as an emergent phenomenon arising from the quantum mechanical fabric of the universe.

#TemporalMechanics #DTheory #QuantumComputing #QuantumAI

“In a sense, Nature has been continually computing the ‘next state’ of the Universe for billions of years; all we have to do — and actually all we can do — is ‘hitch a ride’ on this huge ongoing [quantum] computation.” — Tommaso Toffoli

In my new book Temporal Mechanics: D-Theory as a Critical Upgrade to Our Understanding of the Nature of Time (2025), I defend the D-Theory of Time, predicated or reversible quantum computing at large, which represents a novel framework that challenges our conventional understanding of time and computing. Here, we explore the foundational principles of D-Theory, its implications for reversible quantum computing, and how it could potentially revolutionize our approach to computing, information processing, and our understanding of the universe.

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Temporal Mechanics: D-Theory as a Critical Upgrade to Our Understanding of the Nature of Time by Alex M. Vikoulov Mon, 06 Jan 2025 21:17:06 +0000

My new book TEMPORAL MECHANICS is finally here! Ecstadelic Media Group releases Temporal Mechanics: D-Theory as a Critical Upgrade to Our Understanding of the Nature of Time, The Seminal Papers series (Vol. I) by Alex M. Vikoulov as a Kindle eBook (Press Release, Burlingame, CA, USA)

*Check/preview eBook on Amazon:

Alternatively, buy downloadable PDF of this paper on EcstadelicNET:

#TemporalMechanics #DTheory #QuantumTemporalMechanics #DigitalPresentism #QuantumPhysics #DigitalPhysics #CognitiveScience #QuantumChromomechanics #QuantumComputing #consciousness #QMInterpretation #ArrowofTime #FlowofTime #TimeTravel #CyberneticTheory #ConsciousInstantHypothesis #Timescales #PerceptionofTime #AntiTime #QuantumMultiverse #AlternateTimelines #OmegaPoint #ProblemofTime #ComputationalNeuroscience #entropy #complexity

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