Bruno Henrique de Souza – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 04 Mar 2021 05:23:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kernel the most powerful neural interface in the world Thu, 04 Mar 2021 05:23:12 +0000

Flux is unmatched in the quality, speed and quantity of neural activity that can record non-invasively and in real time.
So far, all types of data that could be acquired directly from the human brain had serious limitations. To get the best hemodynamic or electric data, for example, the person and their brain needed to be almost perfectly immovable, usually by confinement in noisy and claustrophobic environments. And if the person was able to move freely and, of course, data quality quickly dropped until it was pointless.
With the Flux, you will be able to:
Step into a natural environment, put a helmet on your head and observe the real-time brain activity at the top speed your neurons are shooting;
Talk, gesture and move naturally;
Participate in a video conference, daydream, listen to music or read a book;
Access your brain activity from the most electrophysiological sensor channels from all regions of the cortex.
These capabilities open up new stimulating opportunities for understanding how and why the brain functions.
In October 2020, Flow was announced, a full-coverage TD-FNIRS system, which is the first high-quality scalable brain imaging system of its kind and analyses the hemodynamic signs generated by the use of oxygen in the brain, a good proxy for neural activity Together, Flow and Flux capture two signs of the highest quality and most significant one can capture on the brain in a non-invasive way: blood oxygenation and direct neural activity. There are advantages and disadvantages to what each of these technologies reveals about the mysteries of the brain — together, however, Kernel Flux and Flow combine into the richest neural data sets in history, collected at a record speed.
A new era is here. One where we will be reintroduced ourselves and each other in unique ways. With powers to advance to a new border.

#transhumanismo #singularity #singularidade #BCI #kernel

How To Make A Spaceship Thu, 09 May 2019 23:43:02 +0000 Jeff Bezos just unveiled a giant lunar-landing vehicle created by his rocket company Blue Origin.

Called “Blue Moon,” the lander is designed to deliver a variety of sizes and types of payloads to the moon’s surface, with the eventual goal of establishing what the company calls a “sustained human presence” on the moon.

The model of the Blue Moon lander that Bezos revealed today is the version designed to carry robotic and infrastructure payloads to the moon. Bezos said payloads could weigh up to 7 tons (6.5 metric tonnes). But according to the company’s website, “the larger variant of Blue Moon has been designed to land an ascent vehicle that will allow us to return Americans to the moon by 2024.” A vehicle designed for people was not shown at the event, however.

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Ray Kurzweil Lecture at Newton Free Library Tue, 16 Apr 2019 23:42:48 +0000

Click on photo to start video.

Lançamento oficial do livro Danielle World na Newton Free Library.

Palestra Ray Kurzweil sobre o futuro da ciência e Danielle World, bem como uma leitura de livro, entrevista no palco, leitura de passagens do livro, e uma breve introdução da ilustradora, Amy Kurzweil Comix.

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Elon Musk’s Neuralink wants to boost the brain to keep up with AI Mon, 27 Mar 2017 21:42:31 +0000

Empresário Elon Musk tem uma nova empresa — sim, outra — focada no desenvolvimento das capacidades do cérebro através do aumento tecnológico. O Neuralink, vai trabalhar em tecnologia de interface computador-cérebro como meio de ajudar os seres humanos a acompanhar o desenvolvimento acelerado de inteligência artificial.

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Stephen Hawking is Going to Outer Space Tue, 21 Mar 2017 00:23:19 +0000

Ultimately, Hawking has long been an advocate of commercial spaceflight, and to this end, he notes that he greatly admires Virgin Galactic’s role in democratizing space, specifically, he clarified his “respect for enabling more of humanity to experience the true wonder of space.”

I have said in the past ‘Look up at the stars and not down at your feet’, but I believe that ‘looking up’ will no longer be a requirement to see the universe in all its glory.

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Quantum Microscope Spies on Chemical Reactions in Real Time Wed, 08 Mar 2017 04:42:38 +0000

Diamond-based imaging system uses magnetic resonance of electrons to detect charged atoms.

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IBM Is Rolling Out the World’s First Universal ‘Quantum Computing’ Service Tue, 07 Mar 2017 14:22:34 +0000

IBM esta anunciando que estão desenvolvendo um sistema universal de “computação qu ntica”

O serviço será chamado IBM Q, e ele dará às pessoas acesso ao seu computador qu ntico de estágio inicial pela internet para usar como desejar — por uma taxa.

O grande elefante na sala é que, por enquanto, o computador qu ntico da IBM só funciona com cinco qubits, então não é muito mais rápido (se houver mais rápido) do que um computador convencional.

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An End to Aging: Can Science Allow Humans to To Become Immortal? Sat, 04 Mar 2017 19:02:31 +0000

Some scientists argue that aging is a social construct, not a natural law. Can we challenge it with advances in genetics and artificial intelligence?

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Scientists Have Grown the World’s First Artificial Embryo, and It’s Nuts Fri, 03 Mar 2017 02:03:27 +0000

Em uma primeira experiência mundial, os cientistas conseguiram desenvolver um embrião artificial funcional, a partir do zero, usando dois tipos de células-tronco para construir a vida em uma placa de Petri.

As células-tronco foram cultivadas fora do corpo em uma bolha de gel, e foram capazes de se transformar em vários estágio inicial órgãos internos — assim como em um embrião regular. Os pesquisadores agora estão esperando a técnica vai resolver alguns grandes mistérios sobre os primórdios da vida.

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JPMorgan Software Does in Seconds What Took Lawyers 360,000 Hours Wed, 01 Mar 2017 02:23:21 +0000

Na JPMorgan Chase & Co., uma máquina de aprendizagem está analisando os acordos financeiros que antes mantinham equipes jurídicas ocupadas por milhares de horas.

O programa, chamado COIN, para o Contrato de Inteligência, faz a tarefa de interpretar acordos de empréstimo comercial que, até que o projeto foi lançado em junho, consumiu 360 mil horas de trabalho por ano por advogados e agentes de crédito. O software revê os documentos em segundos, é menos propenso a erros e nunca pede férias.

No que diz respeito à COIN, o programa ajudou a JPMorgan a reduzir os erros de manutenção de empréstimos, a maioria resultante de erro humano na interpretação de 12.000 novos contratos por ano, de acordo com os seus criadores.

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