Eithen Pasta – Lifeboat News: The Blog https://lifeboat.com/blog Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 31 Oct 2021 19:23:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Bayan Abusalameh — Chevening Scholar, Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Queen Mary University London https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2021/10/bayan-abusalameh-chevening-scholar-advanced-mechanical-engineering-queen-mary-university-london Sun, 31 Oct 2021 19:23:34 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/10/bayan-abusalameh-chevening-scholar-advanced-mechanical-engineering-queen-mary-university-london

Harnessing The Potential Of Star Gazers And Space Enthusiasts For Scientific Solutions To Existing Earth Crises — Ms. Bayan Mohammed Abusalameh — Inventor, Pal… See more.

Ms. Bayan Abusalameh is a 2020/2021 Chevening Scholar in Advanced Mechanical Engineering, at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), who just finished off her Master’s Dissertation entitled “An Innovative Structural Design For a 1U CubeSat” (The Palestine-1)

Ms. Abusalameh is also a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) team of QMUL.

Ms. Abusalameh has her Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Birzeit University and her MSC in Advanced Mechanical Engineering from Queen Mary University of London.

Dr Ann Marie Kimball, MD — Physician, Epidemiologist, Rotarian — Global Public Service, Saving Lives https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2021/10/dr-ann-marie-kimball-md-physician-epidemiologist-rotarian-global-public-service-saving-lives Wed, 27 Oct 2021 00:23:50 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/10/dr-ann-marie-kimball-md-physician-epidemiologist-rotarian-global-public-service-saving-lives

Dr. Ann Marie Kimball (https://epi.washington.edu/faculty/kimball-ann-marie/) is a physician, epidemiologist and currently holds the roles of Associate Fellow at the international affairs think tank Chatham House, and Vice Chair, COVID 19 task force, at The Rotary Foundation / Rotary International.

Previously, Dr. Kimball served as a strategic advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation, supporting the strengthening and development of strategies for Ebola, post-Ebola, and health crisis response, including planning and guiding the formation of a regional disease surveillance network in collaboration with Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance (CORDS).

Before joining the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Kimball served as technical and strategic lead for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation surveillance strategy formation.

Prior to Gates, Dr. Kimball served as Professor of Epidemiology for the University of Washington (UW), School of Public Health, with adjunct appointments in Medicine (Bioinformatics and Infectious Diseases) and the Jackson School of Foreign Affairs. During her tenure at UW, Dr. Kimball founded and directed the APEC Emerging Infections Network, and led research and training programs in Surveillance and Informatics in Peru and Thailand.

Dr. Kimball’s research focus on global trade and emerging infections earned her a Fulbright New Century Scholars award and a Guggenheim Scholars award.

Dr. Kimball is also the author of Risky Trade: Infectious Diseases in an Era of Global Trade, which was highly reviewed by NEJM, Emerging Infections and Lancet. She has authored numerous scientific publications, and served on numerous Institute of Medicine panels. She is also a fellow in the American College of Preventive Medicine and member of the National Biosurveillance Advisory group (NBAS) from the Centers for Disease Control.

Joanna Bensz — Founder and CEO, Longevity Center And International Institute of Longevity (IIOL) https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2021/10/joanna-bensz-founder-and-ceo-longevity-center-and-international-institute-of-longevity-iiol Thu, 21 Oct 2021 19:44:07 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/10/joanna-bensz-founder-and-ceo-longevity-center-and-international-institute-of-longevity-iiol

Science, Technology & Protocols For Healthy Longevity And Sustainable Health — Joanna Bensz, Founder and CEO, Longevity Center & International Institute of Longevity (IIOL), joins me on Progress, Potential, And Possibilities Geopolitical Intelligence Services #Health #Wellness #Aging #Longevity #JoannaBensz #PrinceMichaelOfLiechtenstein

Joanna Bensz is Founder and CEO of Longevity Center (https://longevity-center.eu/), a boutique preventive health and longevity medical center, that focuses on scientifically and medically advanced technologies and protocols for healthy longevity and sustainable health.

Joanna is also Founder and CEO of the International Institute of Longevity (IIOL — https://l-institute.com/), an international organization with offices in Liechtenstein and Poland, co-founded in partnership with H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, focusing on developing a healthy longevity agenda in Europe, identifying, highlighting and promoting solutions, technologies and lifestyle choices that prevent chronic and age related diseases leading to increasing vitality and healthy life spans.

Over her career, Joanna has spent time in a range of regional, general and business development director positions, with a number of Fortune 500 companies across Central and Eastern Europe, including at the international project management, architectural and engineering PM Group, Lockheed Martin, and at Geopolitical Intelligence Services, an organization providing independent political intelligence, strategic analysis and future scenarios to companies, governments, organizations and individual leaders, also founded by H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein.

Joanna has also served as the Vice Chairman and Board Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland, and was responsible for development and leadership of AmCham regional offices in Wroclaw and Kraków.

Joanna holds a Master of Arts degree in German Studies from University in Wroclaw, as well as a Diploma in Strategic and International Marketing at the Dublin Business School. She also completed the Advanced Management Program at IESE, University of Navarra in Barcelona.

Dr. Evelyne Bischof, MD — Advancing The Frontiers Of Preventative And Precision Longevity Medicine https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2021/10/dr-evelyne-bischof-md-advancing-the-frontiers-of-preventative-and-precision-longevity-medicine Fri, 01 Oct 2021 10:23:20 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/10/dr-evelyne-bischof-md-advancing-the-frontiers-of-preventative-and-precision-longevity-medicine

(https://www.linkedin.com/in/evelyne-yehudit-bischof/) is an expert in internal medicine and oncology, with a focus on preventative and precision medicine, bio-gerontology, and geronto-oncology.

Dr. Bischof is deeply passionate about next-generation medical technology, and the applications of artificial intelligence for biomedical research and practice.

Dr. Bischof spent a decade practicing medicine and performing translational research in Switzerland, US, and China.

Dr. Bischof is a medical doctor with an MD from Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biology and Genetics, and interned at Columbia University, Harvard MGH, and Beth Israel Medical Deaconess.

Dr. Bischof is the author of over 40 peer-reviewed papers and is a frequent speaker at scientific and medical conferences.

Dr. Bischof serves as Assistant Professor — Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences; Associate Faculty Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Researcher at University Hospital of Basel.

Dr. Andrei Gudkov, PhD — The Retrobiome, Cancer, And Aging — Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Ctr https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2021/07/dr-andrei-gudkov-phd-the-retrobiome-cancer-and-aging-roswell-park-comprehensive-cancer-ctr Thu, 08 Jul 2021 21:24:37 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/07/dr-andrei-gudkov-phd-the-retrobiome-cancer-and-aging-roswell-park-comprehensive-cancer-ctr

The Retrobiome, Cancer, And Aging — Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer CtrThe Retrobiome, Cancer, And Aging — Dr. Andrei Gudkov, PhD, DSci, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, joins me on Progress, Potential, And Possibilities Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine #Cancer #Vaika #Genome #DnaDamage #ImmunoSenescence #Pets #Dogs #Health #Lifespan #LifeExtension #Inflammaging #Longevity #Aging #Oncology

Dr Andrei Gudkov, PhD, DSci, is a preeminent cancer researcher who serves as Senior Vice President, Research Technology and Innovation, Chair of the Department of Cell Stress Biology, and a member of the senior leadership team for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center Support Grant at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center (https://www.roswellpark.org/andrei-gudkov).

Dr. Gudkov is responsible for building on the basic and translational research strengths of the Cell Stress Biology program in DNA damage and repair, photodynamic therapy, thermal and hypoxic stress and immune modulation.

Dr. Gudkov assists the President & CEO in developing and implementing strategic plans for new scientific programs and enhancing collaborations in research programs with regional and national academic centers as well as with industry.

Before joining Roswell Park, Dr. Gudkov served as chair of the Department of Molecular Genetics at Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and Professor of Biochemistry at Case Western University. He earned his doctoral degree in Experimental Oncology at the Cancer Research Center, USSR and a Doctorate of Science (D.Sci) in Molecular Biology at the Moscow State University, USSR. He has authored or co-authored over 135 scientific articles and holds 27 patents.

Dr. Gudkov is also an accomplished entrepreneur who founded Cleveland BioLabs, Inc., OncoTartis LLC and Everon Biosciences, Inc.

He holds the position of Director & Chief Scientific Advisor at Panacela Labs, Inc., Chief Scientific Officer of OncoTartis LLC, Chief Scientific Officer for Everon Biosciences, Inc., Chief Science Officer at Genome Protection, Inc. and Chief Scientific Officer of Cleveland BioLabs, Inc. Andrei V. Gudkov is also on the board of Incuron LLC.

Dr. Gudkov also serves on the Scientific Advisory Board and is author of the founding concept for the Vaika (https://www.vaika.org/) program, a not-for-profit charitable medical research organization with a mission to extend the health-span and life-span of domestic animals, with a focus on aged sled dogs.

Dr. Matt Kaeberlein — Founder / Co-Director, Dog Aging Project — Professor, University of Washington https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2021/06/dr-matt-kaeberlein-founder-co-director-dog-aging-project-professor-university-of-washington Sat, 05 Jun 2021 13:23:40 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/06/dr-matt-kaeberlein-founder-co-director-dog-aging-project-professor-university-of-washington

Enrolling Tens Of Thousands Of Dogs, In 10-Year Study, To Unlock Healthy Aging Secrets — Dr Matt Kaeberlein, Founder / Co-Director, The Dog Aging Project, Professor, University of Washington, joins me on Progress, Potential, And Possibilities Nathan Shock Centers #Rapamycin #Dogs #Aging #Longevity #Healthspan #Geroscience.


Dr. Matt Kaeberlein is Professor of Pathology, Adjunct Professor of Genome Sciences, and Adjunct Professor of Oral Health Sciences, at the University of Washington.

Dr. Kaeberlein received his PhD from MIT in Biology, did his post-doc in the Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, and his research interests are focused on basic mechanisms of aging in order to facilitate translational interventions that promote healthspan and improve quality of life.

Dr. Kaeberlein has published nearly 200 papers in top scientific journals and has been recognized by several prestigious awards, including a Breakthroughs in Gerontology Award, an Alzheimer’s Association Young Investigator Award, an Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar in Aging Award, a Murdock Trust Award, a Pioneer in Aging Award, and the Vincent Cristofalo Rising Star in Aging Research.

Dr. Kaeberlein’s contributions have also been recognized with Fellow status in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Aging Association, and the Gerontological Society of America.

Dr. Kaeberlein is a past President of the American Aging Association and has served on their Executive Committee and Board of Directors since 2012. He has also served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology and is currently the Chair of the Biological Sciences Section of the Gerontological Society of America.

Dr. Kaeberlein serves on the editorial boards for several journals, including Science and eLife. Dr. Kaeberlein’s scientific discoveries have generated substantial public interest, with featured stories in major media outlets including appearing on the front page of the New York Times, the Today Show, CNN, the UK Telegraph, Popular Science, Time Magazine, Scientific American, NPR, USA Today, National Geographic, and many others.

In addition to his primary appointments, Dr. Kaeberlein is the co-Director of the University of Washington Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging, the Founding Director of the Healthy Aging and Longevity Research Institute at the University of Washington, and Founder and Co-Director of the Dog Aging Project.

Dr Halima Benbouza — Leading Biotech Development In Algeria For Health, Agriculture and Conservation https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2021/01/dr-halima-benbouza-leading-biotech-development-in-algeria-for-health-agriculture-and-conservation Wed, 13 Jan 2021 15:23:29 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/01/dr-halima-benbouza-leading-biotech-development-in-algeria-for-health-agriculture-and-conservation

Dr. Halima Benbouza is an Algerian scientist in the field of agronomic sciences and biological engineering.

She received her doctorate in 2004 from the University Agro BioTech Gembloux, Belgium studying Plant Breeding and Genetics and was offered a postdoctoral position to work on a collaborative project with the Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture in Stoneville, Mississippi.

Subsequently, Dr. Benbouza was funded by Dow Agro Science to study Fusarium wilt resistance in cotton. In 2009 she was awarded the Special Prize Eric Daugimont et Dominique Van der Rest by the University Agro BioTech Gembloux, Belgium.

Dr. Benbouza is Professor at Batna 1 University where she teaches graduate and postgraduate students in the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Agronomy. She also supervises Master’s and PhD students.

From 2010–2016, Dr. Benbouza served as inaugural Director of the Biotechnology Research Center (CRBt) in Constantine, appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. In 2011, she was appointed by the Algerian government as President of the Intersectoral Commission of Health and Life Sciences. Dr. Benbouza is a member of the Algerian National Council for Research Evaluation and a past member of the Sectorial Permanent Board of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

In 2013, Dr. Benbouza was appointed by the Prime Minister as President of the steering committee of Algeria’s Biotech Pharma project. In 2014 she was honored by the US Embassy in Algiers as one of the “Women in Science Hall of Fame” for her research achievements and her outstanding contribution to promote research activities and advance science in her country.

Dr Nicole Prause — Advancing Research In Sexual Psychophysiology, Sexual Biotechnology, And Sex-Tech https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2020/12/dr-nicole-prause-advancing-research-in-sexual-psychophysiology-sexual-biotechnology-and-sex-tech Wed, 30 Dec 2020 21:22:52 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2020/12/dr-nicole-prause-advancing-research-in-sexual-psychophysiology-sexual-biotechnology-and-sex-tech

Dr. Nicole Prause, PhD is an American neuroscientist researching human sexual behavior, addiction, and the physiology of sexual response. She is also the founder of Liberos LLC, an independent research institute and biotechnology company.

Dr. Prause obtained her doctorate in 2007 at Indiana University Bloomington, with joint supervision by the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, with her areas of concentration being neuroscience and statistics. Her clinical internship, in neuro-psychological assessment and behavioral medicine, was with the VA Boston Healthcare System’s Psychology Internship Training Program. Her research fellowship was in couples’ treatment of alcoholism was at Harvard University.

Dr. Prause became a tenure track faculty member at Idaho State University at the age of 29. After three years there, she accepted a position as a Research Scientist at the Mind Research Network, a neuro-imaging facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In 2012, Dr. Prause was elected a full member of the International Academy of Sex Research and accepted a position as a Research Scientist on faculty at the University of California, Los Angeles in the David Geffen School of Medicine. While there, she was promoted to Associate Research Scientist in 2014.

Dr. Prause founded Liberos LLC in 2015 and she continues to practice as licensed psychologist in California.

Dr. Ren Xiaoping — Pushing Surgical Boundaries — Head Transplantation (Cephalosomatic Anastomosis) https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2020/12/dr-ren-xiaoping-pushing-surgical-boundaries-head-transplantation-cephalosomatic-anastomosis Sun, 13 Dec 2020 21:23:54 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2020/12/dr-ren-xiaoping-pushing-surgical-boundaries-head-transplantation-cephalosomatic-anastomosis

When one mentions the topic of “head transplantation” (or a related topic – the “brain transplant”), for most people, it remains a topic purely in the context and sphere of science fiction.

Yet most people are unaware of the following history:

In 1908, Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon who had developed surgical methods to connect blood vessels in the context of organ transplantation, collaborated with the American Charles Claude Guthrie perform the first head grafts between dogs.

In 1954, Vladimir Demikhov, a Soviet surgeon who conducted important work to improve coronary bypass surgery, performed experiments in which he grafted a dog’s head and upper body, onto another dog; the effort was focused on how to provide blood supply to the donor head and upper body.

In 1965 American neurosurgeon Robert J. White did a series of experiments in which he attempted to graft the vascular system of isolated dog brains onto existing dogs monitoring brain activity with EEG and also monitored metabolism, and showed that he could maintain high levels of brain activity and metabolism by avoiding any break in the blood supply. In 1970 he did four experiments in which he cut the head off of a monkey and connected the blood vessels of another monkey head to it.

From 1970–1994, Paul A. Pietsch was a Professor in the School of Optometry and an Adjunct Professor of Anatomy at Indiana University, and conducted and published on a long series of “brain shuffling” / transplantation experiments in regenerative organisms between salamanders and frogs.

Dr. James Weinstein, SVP Microsoft — Creating Healthcare With Value, Outcomes & Equity For Patients https://russian.lifeboat.com/blog/2020/12/dr-james-weinstein-svp-microsoft-creating-healthcare-with-value-outcomes-equity-for-patients Sat, 12 Dec 2020 14:24:59 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2020/12/dr-james-weinstein-svp-microsoft-creating-healthcare-with-value-outcomes-equity-for-patients

Microsoft Health-Tech Vision

Dr. James Weinstein, is Senior Vice President, Microsoft Healthcare, where he is in charge of leading strategy, innovation and health equity functions.

Prior to Microsoft, Dr. Weinstein was president and CEO of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health, a $2.0 billion academic medical center in Northern New England, where he led the organization to adopt a population health model, including the transition from fee-for-service toward global payments.

Prior to becoming CEO, Dr. Weinstein served as president of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic and was director of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice (TDI), home of the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, which for decades has documented the ongoing variations in health care delivery across the United States.

Dr. Weinstein is a founding member and the inaugural executive director of the National High Value Healthcare Collaborative, along with Mayo Clinic, Intermountain Healthcare, The Dartmouth Institute, and Denver Health. The Collaborative is a partnership of health systems that has taken on the challenge of improving the quality of care while lowering costs on a national scale.

Dr. Weinstein is a member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and held the Peggy Y. Thomson Chair in the Evaluative Clinical Sciences at the Geisel School of Medicine while at Dartmouth; he’s a Senior Fellow, for the Healthcare Center and Clinical Professor Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and a Clinical Professor at the Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University.

Dr. Weinstein is a member of Special Medical Advisory Group for the national Veteran’s Administration. He serves on the Boards of Trustees for the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, the Intermountain Health System, and IMAGINECARE, a company he started while CEO to use remote sensing to manage patients outside the traditional brick-and-mortar medical system and serves on several other boards.

Throughout his career as a researcher and renowned spine surgeon, Dr. Weinstein has received more than $70 million in federal funding and published more than 325 peer-reviewed articles and continues as Editor in Chief, Spine. He also serves on the Board of Advanced Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI/BioFAB), a Department of Defense (DoD) program using stem cells and various bio-substrates to print artificial organs.
