Krys Hyff – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:03:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 More than 300 new hyperscale datacentres in development globally Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:03:35 +0000

Regardless of Pandemics, Wars, Supply chain shocks…the Planets digital brain capacity continues its near exponential growth.

When added to the 728 hyperscale datacentres that were in operation at the end of 2021 and factoring in [the] many new datacentre plans that will be announced over the next two to three years, we forecast that by the end of 2026 there will be an installed base of nearly 1,200 hyperscale datacentres around the world.

“Almost 40% of the world’s operational hyperscale datacentres are located in the US, and the bulk of the developments in the pipeline will also be US-based, with China and Ireland name-checked as the second and third countries with the most new builds planned.” The future looks bright for hyperscale operators, with double-digit annual growth in total revenues supported in large part by cloud revenues that will be growing in the 20–30% per year range,”

The number of hyperscale datacentre facilities in operation across the world is on course to hit the 1,200 mark by the end of 2026, according to forecast data shared by Synergy Research Group.

This prediction is based on the analyst house’s hyperscale market tracker service, which is designed to keep tabs on the activities of 19 cloud and internet service provider companies that meet its hyperscale definition criteria.

At the end of 2021, there was a total of 728 hyperscale facilities in operation around the world, its data shows. And – with a further 314 already in the pipeline – the installed base of large-scale server farms is on course to exceed the 1,000 mark in three years’ time, and will continue to grow rapidly in the years that follow.

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AI suggested 40,000 new possible chemical weapons in just six hours Fri, 18 Mar 2022 21:22:18 +0000

For me, the concern was just how easy it was to do. A lot of the things we used are out there for free. You can go and download a toxicity dataset from anywhere. If you have somebody who knows how to code in Python and has some machine learning capabilities, then in probably a good weekend of work, they could build something like this generative model driven by toxic datasets. So that was the thing that got us really thinking about putting this paper out there; it was such a low barrier of entry for this type of misuse.

AI could be just as effective in developing biochemical weapons as it is in identifying helpful new drugs, researchers warn.

AI computer maker Graphcore unveils 3D chip, promises 500-trillion-parameter ‘ultra-intelligence’ machine Thu, 03 Mar 2022 20:22:49 +0000

A mini brain with trillions of petaflops in your pant pocket? Sounds Good!

“This is what we’re announcing today,” said Knowles. “A machine that in fact will exceed the parametric capacity of the human brain.”

That next-gen IPU, he said, would realize the vision of 1960s compute scientist Jack Good, a colleague of Alan Turing’s who conceived of an “intelligence explosion.”

Those synapses are “very similar to the parameters that are learned by an artificial neural network.” Today’s neural nets have gotten close to a trillion, he noted, “so we clearly have another two or more orders of magnitude to go before we have managed to build an artificial neural network that has similar parametric capacity to a human brain.

The company said it is working on a computer design, called The Good Computer, which will be capable of handling neural network models that employ 500 trillion parameters, making possible what it terms super-human ultra-intelligence.

The Bow is the first chip to use what’s called wafer-on-wafer chip technology, where two die are bound together. It was developed in close collaboration with contract chip manufacturing giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing.

The chip can perform 350 trillion floating point per second of mixed-precision AI arithmetic, said Knowles, which he said made the chip the highest-performing AI processor in the world today.

The Bow is assembled into IPU-POD machines, called BOW PODs, that scale from 16 Bow chips to 1,024, delivering as much as 358.4 petaflops of compute, in conjunction with up to 64 companion CPU processors.

The new chip, made of two die stuck together, will speed performance by 40% for machine learning tasks such as EfficientNet.

China makes world’s most space launches in 2021 Fri, 21 Jan 2022 03:22:58 +0000

At this rate the CCP will be launching everyday by the end of the decade. Wow.

China became the country that has carried out the most space launch missions in the world over the past year.

The combination of the Shenzhou-13 manned spaceship and a Long March-2F carrier rocket is transferred to the launching area of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Oct. 7, 2021. (People’s Daily Online/Liu Huaiyu)

The country’s Long March series carrier rockets, Kuaizhou series carrier rockets, as well as those developed by private space firms have made 55 launches and sent over 100 spacecraft into space.

Chinese Property Giant Said Its Employee of The Year Was Not a Human, But an AI Program Wed, 19 Jan 2022 00:23:12 +0000

At first glance, Cui is depicted as a beautiful young professional in her 20s who joined Vanke’s accounting department in February 2021 and is the recipient of the company’s Best Newcomer Award. Cui has a 91.44 percent success rate in collecting overdue payments. In December 2021, Baixin Bank launched its first virtual employee named AIYA, and Jiangnan Rural Commercial Bank launched its VTM digital employees. Earlier in April 2019, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank introduced its first AI-powered digital employee named Xiaopu, capable of serving its bank users at different posts Notably, China’s first “meta-human” AYAYI made its debut on Chinese e-commerce platform Xiaohongshuin in May 2021. The hyper-realistic digital human garnered three million views on its first post.

According to a 2019 report compiled by Deloitte, a global professional services network, experts predict that using AI at a larger scale will add as much as $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.Deloitte’s report shows that from 2015 to 2020, the average annual compound growth rate of the global artificial intelligence market was 26.2 percent, while the growth rate of the Chinese AI market during the same period was 44.5 percent. Another report by Deloitte suggests that in 2025 the scale of China’s artificial intelligence industry will exceed $85 billion.

Presently, there are about 2,600 artificial intelligence companies in China. Most located in Beijing’s Haidian District technology hub, The Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET), a U.S. think tank, estimated the CCP’s total R&D investment in artificial intelligence in 2018 was between $2 billion and $8.4 billion.

From news anchors to company employees, AI-powered virtual humans have quickly taken over human posts in China.

In December 2021, China’s property giant Vanke said its employee of the year was not a human.

According to The Paper, a Chinese state-owned media, the company declared an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered debt collector named “Cui Xiaopan” as its employee of the year. The virtual employee was created by Vanke’s in-house team using the Xiaoice Framework, an AI system developed by Microsoft Asia.

Chinese scientists build factory robot that can read minds Thu, 06 Jan 2022 04:22:52 +0000

The robot not only monitored the worker’s brain waves, but also collected electric signals from muscles, as it worked seamlessly together to assemble a complex product, according to its developers at China Three Gorges University’s Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Technology Centre.

The co-worker did not need to say or do anything when they needed a tool or a component, as the robot would recognise the intention almost instantly, picking up the object and putting it on the workstation, according to the developers.

Trained robot monitored co-worker’s brain waves and muscle signals to predict needs, China Three Gorges University team says in domestic peer-reviewed paper.

COVID-19 Pandemic — Part-1 (DNA Testing) Thu, 30 Dec 2021 18:22:56 +0000

Trigger Alert. — This YT is a deep dive into DNA companies which is fascinating — unfortunately it is anti Israel (or appears to me)

However the background research is good and I think worth a read.

Admin if this crosses any lines-Apologies and please delete.

If one can look past the obvious bias of the author it does have some nuggets of gold.

I promise this story about microwaves is interesting Sun, 26 Dec 2021 13:24:26 +0000

Time to have another go at reanimation?

Interview with James Lovelock 101 years old-scientist inventor.

I found an article that said “The microwave was invented to heat hamsters humanely in 1950s experiments.” And I thought, no it wasn’t…was it?

Pull down the description for thorough references and credits.

Thanks to James Lovelock for his time! His latest book is Novacene: [that is, of course, an Amazon affiliate link]

Filmed safely: — thanks to jabs, PCR tests, isolation and distancing.

I did consider whether to do an extended interview with Dr Lovelock, but the Science Museum has already done far better than I ever could:

On cyborgs, asteroids and Gaia theory:

On his greatest epiphany:

Meet Xenobots 3.0 — World’s First Living Robots, Made of Frog Cells, That Can Reproduce Sun, 12 Dec 2021 05:22:42 +0000

I wonder how many iterations of “kinematic reproduction” would result in sentience.

Artificial Intelligence has made a landmark achievement by creating robots that can reproduce. US scientists who created the first living robots claim they can now reproduce on their own. Scientists now claim the discovery is a new form of biological reproduction that was not known to science yet. Experts say the parent robot and its babies, called Xenobots, are entirely biological.

#Xenobots. #LivingRobots. #ArtificialIntelligence.

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“Most valuable” AI unicorn SenseTime gets Hong Kong IPO — sources Fri, 19 Nov 2021 14:22:58 +0000

Whoever controls AI controls the world

“Most Valuable AI unicorn” goes for IPO.

“In 2019, SenseTime became one of the first Chinese companies to be placed on the US Entity List, a trade blacklist that restricts it from gaining access to certain technologies originating from the US. The White House under Donald Trump claimed that the company was ”implicated in human rights violations and abuses in the implementation of China’s campaign of repression, mass arbitrary detention, and high-technology surveillance” against the Uyghur population, a mostly Muslim ethnic group in the Xinjiang region.

SenseTime – a Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) company – has been approved to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
