TJ Wass – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 08 Feb 2022 22:44:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Smaller Nuclear Plants May Come With Less Stringent Safety Rules Tue, 08 Feb 2022 22:44:21 +0000

Julie PhelpsThere should be NO nuclear at all.

Kyle SagerAug 2020…

I’ll have what Elon Musk is having.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink ‘Brain Chip’ could give users orgasms on demand Mon, 07 Feb 2022 15:23:03 +0000

I’ll have what Elon Musk is having.

The revolutionary device could be implanted in human subjects by the end of this year, and some experts believe it could completely revolutionise human sexuality dailystar.

Scientists say social interaction is ‘the dark matter of AI’ Sat, 22 Jan 2022 20:26:15 +0000

What’s the missing ingredient in the secret sauce behind human-level intelligence? Is it something we can teach the machines? property= description.

5 Theories on Achieving Immortality as Scientists’ Say we Could Live 1,000 Years Tue, 19 Oct 2021 04:25:24 +0000

From cryogenics to drugs the dream of immortality is closer than ever and now the world’s richest men including Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are putting their weight behind the research.

Sex robots to become ‘super intelligent’ by 2050 and see owners as ‘slaves’ Tue, 21 Sep 2021 18:22:49 +0000

EXCLUSIVE Pricier sex robots have already been equipped with a range of artificial intelligence features, with customers shelling out thousands on groundbreaking synthetic companions dailystar.

The spice must flow! Mon, 20 Sep 2021 14:37:41 +0000

Centenarians have unique gut bacteria that enables them to live longer Fri, 30 Jul 2021 15:22:48 +0000

TOKYO — Centenarians have unique gut bacteria that enables them to live to a ripe old age, according to new research. Scientists in Japan say this unique gut makeup fuels bile acids that protect against disease.

The discovery could lead to yogurts and other probiotic foods that increase longevity.

“In people over the age of 100, an enrichment in a distinct set of gut microbes generate unique bile acids,” says lead author Professor Kenya Honda of Keio University in a statement per South West News Service. “They might inhibit the growth of pathogens.”

Can Science Cure Death? It Sure Looks Like It Sun, 18 Jul 2021 20:22:39 +0000

Nick Saraev is 25 years old, far too young, it would seem, to be thinking about death. And yet, since he turned 21, he has taken steps to prevent the infirmities of old age. Every day, he takes 2000 mg of fish oil and 4000 IU of vitamin D to help prevent heart disease and other ailments. He steams or pressure-cooks most of his meals because, he says, charring meats creates chemicals that may increase the risk of cancer. And in the winter, he keeps the humidity of his home at 35 percent, because dry air chaps his skin and makes him cough, both of which he considers manifestations of chronic inflammation, which may be bad for longevity.

Based on the life expectancies of young men in North America, Saraev, a freelance software engineer based near Vancouver, believes he has about 55 years before he really has to think about aging. Given the exponential advances in microprocessors and smartphones in his lifetime, he insists the biotech industry will figure out a solution by then. For this reason, Saraev, like any number of young, optimistic, tech-associated men, believes that if he takes the correct preventative steps now, he might well live forever. Saraev’s plan is to keep his body in good enough shape to hit “Longevity Escape Velocity,” a term coined by English gerontologist Aubrey de Grey to denote slowing down your aging enough to reach each new medical advance as it arrives. If you delay your death by 10 years, for example, that’s 10 more years scientists have to come up with a drug, computer program, or robot assist that can make you live even longer. Keep up this game of reverse leapfrog, and eventually death can’t catch you. The term is reminiscent of “planetary escape velocity,” the speed an object needs to move in order to break free of gravity.

The science required to break free of death, unfortunately, is still at ground level. According to Nir Barzilai, M.D., director of the Institute for Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, scientists currently understand aging as a function of seven to nine biological hallmarks, factors that change as we grow older and seem to have an anti-aging effect when reversed. You can imagine these as knobs you can turn up or down to increase or decrease the likelihood of illness and frailty. Some of these you may have heard of, including how well cells remove waste, called proteostasis; how well cells create energy, or mitochondrial function; how well cells implement their genetic instructions, or epigenetics; and how well cells maintain their DNA’s integrity, called DNA repair or telomere erosion.

Nanofiber membrane makes seawater drinkable in minutes Thu, 08 Jul 2021 21:24:55 +0000

Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production, or recreational purposes. Despite the vast quantity of water on Earth, just 2.5% of it is freshwater, and an estimated 785 million people lack a clean source of drinking water. Desalination of seawater could be a vital technology to meet the world’s drinking water needs.

Now, Korean engineers have developed a new desalination technique that takes just minutes to make seawater drinkable. They used a new nanofiber membrane distillation process that could desalinate water with 99.99% efficiency. Engineers believe that commercializing such technology could help humankind cope with the shortage of fresh drinking water in the future.

Amongst the most challenging issues in membrane distillation is membrane wetting that causes the pollution of permeate, reduction in vapor production, and finally, reduction in the performance of the membrane. If a membrane exhibits wetting during membrane distillation operation, the membrane must be replaced.

Groundbreaking ‘superhero’ vaccine based on Olympic athlete DNA could transform society Fri, 25 Jun 2021 17:24:22 +0000

STANFORD, Calif. — A groundbreaking “superhero” vaccine inspired by the DNA code of Olympic athletes could help transform society over the next decade, a top genetic scientist claims.

The vaccine would provide lifelong protection against three of the top ten leading causes of death, according to Euan Ashley, professor of medicine and genetics at Stanford University. The so-called “superhero” jab could offer simultaneous, long-term protection against heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and liver disease, thanks to advances in genetic engineering.

This breakthrough treatment would deliver the blueprint of “ideal” cells from men and women whose genes are more disease-resistant than those of the average person, together with an “instruction manual” to help the body “repair, tweak and improve” its own versions. A single dose could lead to a “body-wide genetic upgrade” that would cut the risk of premature death in some adults by as much as 50 percent.
