Anne Corwin
Anne Corwin has been involved in science and speculation of various
sorts for as long as she can remember. She has a degree in Electrical
Engineering from California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (2002). She
currently works as an engineer specializing in Electromagnetic
Compatibility, though she has also been employed as a software
engineer, and worked as an engineering
aide in the large-scale wind tunnel facility at NASA Ames
Research Center during college.
Though her formal background is in engineering, Anne has long been
interested in biology, biotechnology, physics, genetics, and neurology,
and she spends much of her time outside work researching these areas.
As a child, she was noted for asking lots of questions about how things
worked and what they were made of (e.g., “What’s inside of a rock?”),
and she had a strong fascination with medical and adaptive technology,
which foreshadowed her interests in such things as “cyborgification”
morphological liberty issues.
She is author of
Yesterday’s Future,
Avoiding Past Mistakes in Longevity Advocacy,
The Quiet (But Real) Revolution,
On Longevity Medicine and Resources,
Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Engineering — Necessary
More on Vulnerability, Longevity, and Bias,
Vulnerable, But Not Doomed,
Longevity Science — A Brief Snapshot of Progress,
What Is Meant By “Rational Longevity”?,
Today’s Office Of Tomorrow,
Why Progressives Need To Get A Clue About Disability,
Ashley X — Avoiding Oversimplification,
All Kinds of Potential Minds, and
Choosing Who To Be: Robust Self-Concept In An Age of Transformative
She runs the Existence
is Wonderful weblog, where she writes on issues pertaining to
superlongevity, neurological diversity, bioethics, morphological
liberty/disability rights, philosophy, and technological
Anne is also a volunteer with the Methuselah Foundation,
where she hopes to do whatever she can to help hasten the development
effective life-extension medicine. She engages in writing,
research, and advocacy efforts on behalf of radical life extension
QuestChat with Anne Corwin.