Advisory Memorial Board

Professor Arthur M. Harkins

Arthur M. Harkins, Ph.D. is Associate Professor, Department of Educational Policy and Administration, Adjunct Professor, Department of Sociology, and Faculty Director, Graduate Certificate in Innovation Studies at the University of Minnesota.

Arthur is particularly interested in the relationship among three things: technology, education, and the workforce. He arrived at this point after a fairly unusual background that includes working on high-tech military projects in two military services, obtaining a doctorate in sociology with a strong emphasis in cultural anthropology, and pursuing a long-standing interest in futures studies.

Arthur coauthored StoryTech: a Personalized Guidebook to the 21st Century and Education: A Time for Decisions : Sourcebook II, coedited Cultures Beyond Earth: The Role of Anthropology in Outer Space, and authored Attitudes and Characteristics of Selected Wisconsin Indians.

His papers include The Futures of Career And Technical Education in a Continuous Innovation Society, Leapfrogging Toward the ‘Singularity:’ Innovative Knowledge Production on Market-Driven Campuses, Strategies for Innovation in Tertiary Education: Producing Mode III Knowledge & Personal Capital, Controls, Paradigms, and Designs: Critical Elements in the Understanding of Cultural Dynamics, The Future of Distributed Competence: Constructing a Post-Education Paradigm, and StoryTech: Exploring the Use of a Narrative Technique for Training Career Counselor.

Arthur earned his B.A. in Sociology at the University of Kansas in 1959, his M.A. in Sociology at the University of Massachusetts in 1963, and his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Kansas in 1968. He was awarded the Teaching Excellence Award from the College of Continuing Education in

Watch Arthur Harkins on Leapfrog, The MN Knowledge Model (Spanish), Responses to the first UMN-FLACSO open seminar conference questions, and E-Competencies: New Futures for Human Capital Development. Visit Education Futures – “Leapfrog” University.