Advisory Board

Bret Kulakovich

In 1995 as an award-winning work in MIT’s A Day in the Life of Cyberspace Juried Exhibition, the piece Innately Human Ability raised the question:

“‘We have begun to form a higher third… Will humanity rise to the challenge in this new frontier, to help build the evolution of our kind? Or will we revert to our earliest memories and perform in a territorial manner of suspicion, fighting one another for rights to a space that is simultaneously boundless and nonexistent?’”

Growing up, Bret Kulakovich was exposed to an eclectic mix of ideals — the social impossibilities of Heinlein and Bakunin, the philosophies of Russell, Sagan, and others. He was a co-sysop on Underworld BBS, and sub-op on a variety of other boards. His first job was with the National Science Foundation working on a math and science curriculum reform project, where he did CG illustration and UI design.

In 1996, he became a partner at Bonfire Productions, where he managed international and domestic projects for top-level executives in the Fortune 500. At Bonfire, he created training curriculum and business process reorganization programs for multimedia teams within client companies.

Bret has a strong production and project management background, and formal design training. He holds a BFA in Photographic and Electronic Imaging from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. In 2007 he completed his coursework for a masters in Visual Media Arts at Emerson College, as well as his MTEL for certification in teaching K-12 science. He is currently working on his MFA Thesis, with a focus on science advocacy.

In his role as science advocate, he administrates the Cryonics Special Interest Group on Facebook, and the New England regional cryonics group “Cryonics Boston” (formerly Alcor New England) on He currently works as Lab Operations Manager at Emerson, pursuing mindful applications of new technology in education.

His recent work includes:

Life in the Age of Voyeurism: A Sousveillance Project, which concisely contrasts Alan Foucault’s treatise on prison design against post-9/11 city and transportation architecture. Listen to the Podcasts here.

Inverse Game Design, now in Unity3D – a series of projects intended to put game development methods and tools squarely in the hands of educators and laypeople, so that they may tell their own story.

Bret recently authored Atomic Medicine: Further Evidence of Accelerating Returns for H+ Magazine, which discusses the probability and potential of a “nanoglobin” replacement for the human bloodstream.

Bret is Member EDUCAUSE, Member Northeast Regional Computing Program – NERCOMP, Member International Game Developer’s Association – IGDA, and a PADI certified open-water diver. Visit his Facebook page. Read his website/blog and portfolio at [[b.r.e.t.o.r.i.u.m]]. Watch the Bretorium channel on YouTube. Read his LinkedIn profile.