Advisory Board

Bruce Dorminey

Bruce Dorminey is a science journalist and author of Distant Wanderers: the Search for Planets Beyond the Solar System who writes about over-the-horizon technology, primarily astronomy and space science. He’s also a tech columnist for

Bruce is a former Hong Kong bureau chief for Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine and former Paris-based technology correspondent for the Financial Times newspaper who has reported from six continents. A 1998 winner in the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Aerospace Journalist of the Year Awards (AJOYA), he’s interviewed Nobel Prize winners and written about everything from potato blight to dark energy.

Previously, he was a film and arts correspondent in New York and Europe, primarily for newspaper outlets like the International Herald Tribune, the Boston Globe and Canada’s Globe & Mail. Recently, he’s contributed to Scientific, Nature News, Physics World, and Yale Environment

Bruce is a current contributor to Astronomy and Sky & Telescope and a correspondent for Renewable Energy World.

Read his Forbes column and his Scientific American stories. View his Facebook page. Read his Forbes profile, LinkedIn profile, and Wikipedia profile. Follow his Twitter feed.