Advisory Board

Dr. David Eubanks

David Eubanks, Ph.D. is Associate Dean of the Faculty for Institutional Research & Assessment at Eckerd College.

Dave works in higher education developing predictive analytics and ways to authentically assess student achievement. He has over 400 articles on related topics on his professional blog at HigherEd and he regularly gives talks and workshops. He developed the open source project OpenIGOR to create a document repository for higher education management.

He also writes for and the Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies on the limits of formal intelligence. His mathematical research interests center on the survivability of complex systems, as outlined in Survival Strategies. His science fiction novels and short stories based on that related research can be found at

Dave’s articles include Interfaces and Education, Teaching Critical Thinking, Networking 2.0 for Assessment Professionals, Finding Meaning in Data, Part I, Finding Meaning in Data, Part II, Generating Curricular Nets, Application Trajectories, Inter-rater Reliability, Outsourcing Prediction Models, Grade Transition Maps, Bad Reliability, Bad Reliability, Part Two, Making a Difference, A Social Media Metric Arrives, Means to What End?, Pattern Matching, Links on Learning, and I-ACT: An Alternative to Prepare-and-Certify.

Dave earned his B.S. in Mathematics at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale in 1984. He earned his M.S. in Mathematics there in 1986 and his Ph.D. in Mathematics there in 1991.

Read his LinkedIn profile. Follow his Twitter feed.