Advisory Board

David Solomonoff

David Solomonoff is the President of the Internet Society of New York (ISOC-NY), a Chapter of the global Internet Society (ISOC).

ISOC plays a crucial role in advocating for an open Internet, accessible to all via protocols and standards that are developed in a transparent manner by the entire Internet community. He is also the Library Systems Manager for the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center. He serves on the Technology Issues and the Globalization and Corporatization committees of United University Professions (UUP), the labor union representing SUNY faculty and staff. UUP is the nation’s largest higher education union.

Watch David Solomonoff — Taking Back the Edge: Freedom and the Internet Model. Read Hackers Fight For Freedom With Net Tech; Ignore Politics, Psychology At Their Peril and Holograms, Virtual Reality, And Artificial Intelligence — Here’s What The Future Could Look Like With Gigabit Internet. Read his LinkedIn profile. Follow his Twitter feed.