Advisory Board

Dr. Denise L. Herzing

Denise L. Herzing, Ph.D. is Research Director of the Wild Dolphin Project. She is also Research Faculty in Biological Sciences and Psychological Sciences at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida and Scientific Advisor to the American Cetacean Society.

She was recently recognized by the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation as a 2008 Fellow. This prestigious award recognizes her dedication as a scientist and was “appointed on the basis of stellar achievement and exceptional promise for continued accomplishment”.

Denise has completed 20 years of her long-term study of the Atlantic spotted dolphins inhabiting Bahamian waters. She earned her B.S. in Marine Zoology from Oregon State University in 1979; her M.A. in Behavioral Biology from San Francisco State University in 1988; and her Ph.D. in Behavioral Biology/Environmental Studies from Union Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio in 1993.

She authored The Wild Dolphin Project: Long-term Research of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins in the Bahamas and Acoustics and Social Behavior of Wild Dolphins: Implications for a Sound Society, and coauthored Mixed-species associations of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), short beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece, Mediterranean Sea), Echolocation signals of wild Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), and The broadband social acoustic signaling behavior of spinner and spotted dolphins.

Denise has authored and coauthored many papers in the fields of whale biology, animal communication and human consciousness. Coverage of her work with the spotted dolphins has appeared in National Geographic, BBC Wildlife, Ocean Realm and Sonar magazines. Her work has also been featured on the Nature series in the U.S., Discovery Channel, PBS, ABC network television, BBC in England and NHK channel in Japan.

Her fields of interest are animal consciousness, behavior and communication of cetaceans, and environmental ethics. She has given presentations and lectures to the following research, education and conservation organizations: Society for Marine Mammalogy, European Cetacean Society, International Fund for Animal Welfare, and others. She is also a Fellow of the Explorers Club.

Watch Marine Mammal Conservancy presents: Cutter’s Release and Wild Dolphin Project featured by Explore. Read her interview by the Annenberg Foundation.

Watch her YouTube channel and read her LinkedIn profile.