Advisory Board

Professor Gerald Midgley

Gerald Midgley, Ph.D. is Professor of Systems Thinking in the Centre for Systems Studies, Business School, University of Hull, UK. He also holds Adjunct Professorships at the University of Queensland, Australia; the University of Canterbury, New Zealand; Mälardalen University, Sweden; and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Gerald is a British organizational theorist and past president (2013–2014) of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. He is known for his work on “Systemic Intervention” which is “purposeful action by an agent to create change in relation to reflection upon boundaries.”

He authored and/or edited eleven books and over 300 papers. His books include Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice, Forensic DNA Evidence on Trial: Science and Uncertainty in the Courtroom, Community Operational Research: OR and Systems Thinking for Community Development, and Systems Thinking (SAGE Library in Business and Management). His papers include The sacred and profane in critical systems thinking, Pluralism and the legitimation of systems science, and Science as systemic intervention: Some implications of systems thinking and complexity for the philosophy of science.

Gerald earned his BA (Hons) at London University and his MPhil and Ph.D. at City University. His Ph.D. thesis was Unity and Pluralism.

Watch An Introduction to Systems Thinking by Gerald Midgley. Read his Google Scholar Citations. Read his LinkedIn profile and his Wikipedia profile. Read quotes by Gerald.