Advisory Board

Dr. Jack Tuszynski

The article Geoethical Nanotechnology workshop to explore uploading, mind-machine interfaces said

“The Terasem Movement announced today that its Second Geoethical Nanotechnology workshop will be held July 20, 2006 in Lincoln, Vermont.

The workshop will explore the ethics of neuronanotechnology and future mind-machine interfaces, including preservation of consciousness, implications for a future in which human and digital species merge, and dispersion of consciousness to the cosmos, featuring leading scientists and other experts in these areas.

This year’s speakers by order of presentation are: Nobel Laureate in Medicine Baruch Blumberg, M.D., Ph.D., Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia,; Prof. Jack Tuszynski, Department of Physics, University of Alberta; Randal Koene, Ph.D. , Center for Memory & Brain, Boston University; Ben Goertzel, Ph.D., Biomind LLC; Ray Kurzweil, Kurzweil Technologies; William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D., National Science Foundation; Marshall Brain, Founder, ‘How Stuff Works’; Nancy J. Woolf, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, UCLA; Zack Lynch, President, NeuroInsights; and Wrye Sententia, Ph.D., Director, Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics.”

Dr. Jack Tuszynski is Allard Chair, Division of Experimental Oncology at the Cross Cancer Institute and Professor at the Department of Physics, University of Alberta. His research interests include models of motor protein function, microtubule assembly and function, integration of mathematical modelling into the pharmaceutical development process, and rational drug design.

He is the editor of The Emerging Physics of Consciousness, author of Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biophysics and Spherical Tensor Operators: Tables of Matrix Elements and Symmetries, and coauthor of Introduction to Molecular Biophysics, Investigations of the asymptotic time dependence in the fractal pharmacokinetics of a two-compartment model, and Large Amplitude Spatial Fluctuations in the Boundary Region of the Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Gross-Pitaevskii Regime. See the full list of his over 200 publications!

Jack earned his M.Sc. with distinction in Physics from the University of Poznan (Poland) in 1980. He earned his Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Calgary in 1983. He did a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Calgary Chemistry Department in 1983. He was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics of the Memorial University of Newfoundland from 1983 to 1988, and at the University of Alberta Physics Department from 1988 to 1990. He became Professor at the University of Alberta Physics Department in 1993. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Physics. He speaks fluent English, Polish, and Russian and basic German and French.

Listen to his lecture Rational Drug Design for Oncotherapy Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Listen to his presentation from the 2nd Annual Terasem Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology, The Computational Capabilities of the Cytoskeleton, and watch the accompanying PowerPoint presentation.