Advisory Board

Jorge Ordovás

Jorge Ordovás is Senior Consultant (Financial Services Development) at Telefónica.

Jorge is Senior Project Manager and Consultant with more than a decade working on IT Services Development in different areas (Mobile Value Added Services, Payments, Security, eHealth…), both to the Residential and Business market.

He has been taking part in the payments industry since 2000 with Mobipay, the first Spanish mobile payment launched in 2001.

Jorge is responsible for financial services development in Telefónica. He leads team which is working on Card payment and Mobile payment, Loyalty and NFC based solutions, oriented to Medium and Large Companies.

He has been involved in Telefónica Payment Gateway PCI-DSS compliance since 2010, and its renewal year by year.

He also writes regularly at the Telefónica Grandes Clientes blog, “A Un Clic de las TIC”, on multiple topics, learning a lot about social networking and promoting its use to Telefónica employees as Embajador 2.0.

Read his LinkedIn profile. Follow his Twitter feed.