Advisory Board

Dr. Ken Goldberg

Ken Goldberg, Ph.D., FIEEE, FWTN developed the first robot with a web interface and is Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR), with secondary appointment in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and tertiary appointment in the School of Information (I-School) at the University of California at Berkeley.

Ken edited The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet, coedited Beyond Webcams: An Introduction to Online Robots and Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics V (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics), authored Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, and coauthored Computing a Statistical Distribution of Stable Poses for a Polyhedron, Exact Algorithms for Single Frame Selection on Multi-Axis Satellites, Optimization of HDR Brachytherapy Dose Distributions using Linear Programming with Penalty Costs, Blades: A New Class of Geometric Primitives for Feeding 3D Parts on Vibratory Tracks, Automated Intruder Tracking using Particle Filtering and a Network of Binary Motion Sensors, and Collaborative teleoperation using networked spatial dynamic voting. Read the full list of his publications!

His patents include Apparatus and method for recommending to an individual selective information contained within a computer network, Processor and method for developing a set of admissible fixture designs for a workpiece, Low friction gripper, and A Television Event Marking System.

Ken is Vice President of Technical Activities, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society; Director, The Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium, UC Berkeley; CoFounder, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE). Founding Chair, T-ASE Advisory Board; Editorial Advisory Board, IEEE Spectrum Magazine, Member, IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee for the Robotics and Automation Society; Member, Executive Committee, UC Berkeley Center for New Media; Editorial Advisory Board, Springer-Verlag Book Series: Advanced Robotics; Chair, Academic Advisory Committee, Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive; Member (ex-officio), Board of Trustees, Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive; Member, UC Berkeley Faculty Senate Committee on Computing and Communications (COMP); Member, University of California, Intercampus Telecommunications and Technology (ITTP) Committee; Member, UC Berkeley Faculty Senate Committee on Computing and Communications (COMP); Member, Long Range Planning Committee, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society; and Member, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Publications Board.

He earned a Dual Degree: BSE Electrical Engineering, Moore School of Engineering; BS Economics, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, summa cum laude in 1984 with his Junior Year being conducted abroad at Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in 1990 from School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University where his Dissertation was “Stochastic Plans for Robotic Manipulation” and was also Visiting Researcher at Center for Manufacturing Systems and Robotics, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), Haifa, Israel in 1986 during these studies.

Ken was awarded the the Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics Award in 2000, a fellowship from the World Technology Network (WTN) in 2003 and a fellowship from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2005. The Tribe, a short film he co-wrote, was selected for the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and the 2006 Tribeca Film Festival. Watch, listen, or read his “Conversations with History” interview by the Institute of International Studies. Read his East Bay Express interview.