Advisory Board

Dr. Kevin B. Paterson

Kevin B. Paterson, Ph.D. is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the School of Psychology, University of Leicester.

Kevin’s research interests include the psychology of reading and language understanding across the lifespan: eye movements during reading, psycholinguistics, developmental psycholinguistics, effects of aging on reading performance, the cognitive neuroscience of reading, and hemispheric processes in visual word recognition.

His papers include Eye Movements Reveal Effects of Visual Content on Eye Guidance and Lexical Access during Reading, Filtered Text Reveals Adult Age Differences in Reading: Evidence from Eye Movements, Evaluating hemispheric divisions in processing fixated words: The evidence from Arabic, Binocular fixation disparity in single word displays, Re-evaluating split-fovea processing in word recognition: A critical assessment of recent research, and Inhibitory neighbor priming effects in eye movements during reading.

Read Why older people struggle to read fine print — new study. Read his Academia profile and his PeerJ profile. Follow his Twitter feed.