Advisory Board

Lital Asher-Dotan, BSc, MA

Lital Asher-Dotan, BSc, MA is Open Innovation Leader, Global Business Development, Procter & Gamble.

Lital is a passionate game-changer with broad expertise in bringing innovation into multi-national corporations.

She has vast experience in forming partnerships between startups, academia, and large multinational companies.

Lital was chosen as one of the “40 most Influential managers in Israel under the age of 40” by the prestigious TheMarker Magazine, for establishing Procter & Gamble’s Israel House of Innovation, the first P&G R&D center in Israel.

She combines a broad scientific and technological background with over 10 years of marketing and communication experience in various brands, using various media vehicles.

Lital led many Israel award-winning communication campaigns, including the launch of Gillette Fusion, the Cannes Lions Media Awards winner campaign for Biomat (the 1st ever P&G Cannes Lions award), and more.

Lital earned her BSc (Magna Cum Laude) in Biology at Tel Aviv University in 1999. She earned her MA in Biotechnology Management at the Columbia University in the City of New York in 2001 with the thesis Novel Biotech Applications for Auto-Immune Disease.

Watch Corporations Initiative — Joel Neuman, The Coca-Cola Company & Lital Asher-Dotan, Procter and Gamble. Read Procter & Gamble Explains Why Israel is THE Startup Nation. Read her LinkedIn profile.