Advisory Board

Luis Herrera, MS

Luis Herrera, MS is an entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in team leadership, who likes to dream and not make dreams his master, and to think and not make thoughts his aim.

Luis earned his BS in Aerospace Engineering and his MS in Knowledge Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He has attended several courses in Economics and Finance, and is a strong supporter of Austrian Economics as the best way to organize human relations. He has also attended the Singularity University Executive Program, and deeply believes in the power of the human spirit to transform the world for the better. He is an avid reader also interested in philosophy, biology, physics, mathematics, history, and politics.

Currently, he is a Blue Angel Investor in the technology sector, participating in business analytics and A.I.-based projects. One of them has already developed a program capable of solving traditional IQ tests with general purpose A.I. techniques, and is now working in other practical applications.

For fifteen years he was the owner and CEO of Masal, a company in the real estate sector, which built thousands of houses in Spain and Portugal, and, in 2006, with Avanzalia, built a 14MW solar plant in Salamanca, one of the biggest in the world when it started its operations. He has also invested in other projects in the clean energy sector.

In the 80s, Luis also worked for the Defense Industry in Spain as a system analyst for CETME, developing the first simulation program of an antiaircraft defense system for the Spanish Army, using Montecarlo’s methods. Today in his spare time, through his Intellectual Explorer blog, he tries to help people have fun by thinking about the most varied subjects, making their own serendipitous discoveries while not getting trapped by dogma.

Read his LinkedIn profile. Visit his blog. Follow his Twitter feed.