Advisory Board

Dr. M. A. “Doc Gee” Greenstein

M. A. “Doc Gee” Greenstein, Ph.D., R.Y.T. is an internationally recognized commentator, researcher, and coach on best and future practices for “opening the doors of perception”.

Based in Los Angeles with networked alliances throughout the Asia-Pacific region, Doc Gee founded The George Greenstein Institute and the future-focused e-zine Bodies in Space to advance global change in designing creative and holistic learning systems as well as to encourage progressive leadership in related issues of neurotech innovation and designing sustainable lifestyles.

Dedicated to BIG THINKING energized by visionary “sci-art” and anchored by S.I.T. (Somatic Intelligence Training), Doc Gee is a whole-brain systems generator who privileges “interoception” as a search engine for catapulting & mapping best design images and ideas.

An Adjunct Associate Professor at the Art Center College of Design, Doc Gee is also a member of TED,, The Neuroleadership Institute, and in alliance with the Society for Neuroscience and the Neurotechnology Industry Organization.

Follow her Twitter feed and visit her LinkedIn page and Facebook page.