Advisory Board

Michael Lee, MA

Michael Lee, MA has been CEO of the ATM Industry Association since 2005, a nonprofit trade association with more than 3,700 members in 60 countries. He founded the association’s chapters in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. He has addressed and chaired industry conferences throughout the world as well as regularly contributing articles and blogs. His most recent book is Codebreaking our future: Deciphering the Future’s Hidden Order.
As a futurist, Michael founded the think tank, the Institute of Futurology, and is a blogger for the World Future Society. His book Knowing our Future — The Startling Case for Futurology has been published by Infinite Ideas and is available through Amazon.
Michael also serves on the Board of Directors of the US-based Benefit Corporation Standards Institute.
He earned his Master of Arts at the University of Cape Town, University of South Africa, and University of the Western Cape. He earned his Master of Philosophy in Futures Studies (Cum Laude) at the University of Stellenbsoch Business School.
Visit African Palette: Poetry, Paintings, and Stories by Michael Lee. Read his LinkedIn profile.