Advisory Board

Nadia Ceratto, MSc

Nadia Ceratto, MSc is CA at Directorate General Research and Innovation, European Commission. She is also media staff and blogger for TEDxBrussels.

Nadia was previously media staff at TEDxMaastricht, Manager/Officer at Organization of European Cancer Institutes — OECI, Scientific Officer at Unit Genetics Education for patients and professionals at EuroGentest, Research Leader at Applied Genetics on Environmental Sciences at University Western Piedmont, Researcher Leader at IRCCS Associazione OASI Maria SS, Researcher Biologist at ISMI — University of Genoa, and Researcher Biologist at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

Her papers include Mutational spectrum of phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency in Sicily: implications for diagnosis of hyperphenyl-alaninemia in Southern Europe, Cloning and sequencing of a novel metallothionein gene in Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam, Preliminary studies on the molecular basis of hyperphenylalaninemia in Egypt, Prenatal diagnosis by minisatellite analysis in Italian families with phenylketonuria, Genetic testing and counseling in Europe: health professionals current educational provision, needs assessment, and potential strategies for the future, and Linkage analysis of the fragile X syndrome using a new DNA marker U6.2 defining locus DXS304.

Nadia earned her Master’s in Oncology and Epidemiology at the University of Genoa and her Master’s in Environmental Sciences at the University of Western Piedmont.

Read her LinkedIn profile and her TEDx profile. Read her blog. Follow her Twitter feed.