Advisory Board

Professor Natalio Krasnogor

Natalio Krasnogor, Ph.D. is EPSRC’s Leadership Fellow at University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; Professor of Applied Interdisciplinary Computing at University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; and Visiting Professor at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. He is also Founding Editor-in-Chief (technical) of the Memetic Computing Journal.

The mission of Nat’s research group is to derive new knowledge and provide innovative solutions to problems arising in natural complex systems (e.g. in biology, chemistry, and physics) and man-made ones (e.g. socio-technical organizations, infrastructure in healthcare, logistics, etc). To accomplish its mission, the group leverages its interdisciplinary expertise in advanced information processing (e.g. image analysis, machine learning, data mining), process modeling (e.g. optimization under uncertainty), and high-performance computation (e.g. distributed, cloud and GPU computing).

His research areas include:

Bioinformatics, Systems, and Synthetic Biology

His work in this area includes sophisticated search based methodologies for protein structure prediction, ensemble methods for comparing large protein datasets and data mining genes, signaling and metabolic networks. He also works on modeling techniques for organ development (e.g. plants’ roots) and cellular collectives (e.g. bacterial biofilms).

Information Processing in Complex Systems

Nat investigates unconventional computation paradigms as they occur in nature and develops new computational substrates (e.g. molecular computation, biological cells-based computation, etc). He is interested in the dynamics of complex systems and how by understanding their computational capabilities one could ultimately be able to control them.

Machine Intelligence

He carries out research at the leading edge of algorithms design with the goal of enabling computers to deal, autonomously, with extremely hard problems. For this purpose he has developed techniques in data abstraction and granular computing, computer vision, optimization, data mining and machine learning and has applied these to a large number of real world problems.

Nat coedited Systems Self-Assembly, Volume 5: Multidisciplinary Snapshots (Studies in Multidisciplinarity), Recent Advances in Memetic Algorithms (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing), and Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2011) (Studies in Computational Intelligence), authored Studies on the Theory and Design Space of Memetic Algorithms and Heurísticas para el TSP-2D Euclideo y Simétrico Basadas en la Triangulación de Delaunay y sus, and coauthored Implementing conventional logic unconventionally: Photochromic molecular populations as registers and logic gates and Enrichnet: network-based gene set enrichment analysis. Read the full list of his publications!

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