Advisory Board

Dr. Patrick Lincoln

The Forbes article Regenesis said

“Four billion years ago, the first simple life emerged in Earth’s oceans, setting in motion a process driven by Darwinian competition and pure dumb luck that resulted in everything from E. coli to oak trees, from tyrannosaurs to people.

What if we could just yell ‘do-over’?…

Life on Earth is made up mostly of protein, which is in turn made up of 20 amino acids. But there is no clear reason that the number has to be limited… Patrick Lincoln, a synthetic biologist at the Stanford Research Institute, says there’s no reason that never-before-seen proteins can’t also be created…

Patrick Lincoln, of the Stanford Research Institute, would like to slow down bacteria’s mutation rate. ‘The native evolution rate is too fast for my tastes’, he says. ‘I’d like to prevent it from changing my very nice bug that I’ve engineered.’”

Patrick Lincoln, Ph.D. is Director of SRI’s Computer Science Laboratory. He previously worked for MCC Software Technology, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and ETA Systems.

Patrick coauthored Stochastic Assembly of Sublithographic Nanoscale Interfaces in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Pathway Logic Modeling of Protein Functional Domains in Signal Transduction in Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, Epidemic Profiles and Defense of Scale-Free Networks in ACM WORM’03, Nonlithographic, Nanoscale Memory Density Prospects in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. Read his full list of publications!

His current projects are Agile Management of Dynamic Collaboration, Artifactory, Bio Informatics, DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML), Digital Island Research Alliance, Mobile Maude, Molecular Electronics, Pathway Logic , Prototype Verification System (PVS), Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Symbolic Analysis Laboratory (SAL), and Maude.

He is a member of DARPA ISAT, DNRC, and was a member of the Defense Science Board task force on Science and Technology and of the Defense Science Board task force on Defensive Information Operations.

Patrick earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at M.I.T. in 1986 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University in 1992.

Watch Patrick in the Internet Visionaries film by the Pew Internet Project! Listen to his interview on IT Conversations! Listen to his interview by Elon University! Read his interview in EE Times!