Advisory Board

Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov

Plamen L. Simeonov, Ph.D. is Research Affiliate at Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge where he is working with Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson. He is also PI at the EC Horizon-2020 research program.

Plamen is a high-end R&D management executive with 20+ years experience in the T.I.M.E. technology market scene (Telecoms/ IT/ Media/ Entertainment) with a passion for advanced research initiatives. He has expertise in concept design engineering, innovation management, business development, strategic product planning, and acquisition and management of international projects. He is skilled in research, invention, strategic missions, tracking advanced technologies and partners, evaluation of pre-IPO companies for VC investments, rapid prototyping, marketing, and product push-up, alignment and evolution of existing products with emerging solutions, partner relationships, and cooperation.

He is currently focused on basic research in Integral Biomathics. His objective is the development a profoundly new biology-driven mathematics and computation and its first applications in life sciences and engineering. You are welcome to review his program.

Plamen is coeditor of Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality. His papers include Yet another time about time, On Some Recent Insights in Integral Biomathics, Integral Biomathics: A Post-Newtonian View into the Logos of Bios (On the New Meaning, Relations and Principles of Life in Science), WARAAN: A Higher-Order Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia in Wandering Networks, The Viator Approach: About Four Principles of Autopoietic Growth On the Way to Hyperactive Network Architectures, On using nomadic services for distributed intelligence, and Addressing Real Time with Temporal Logic in Multimedia Communications.

Plamen earned his BSc in Physics at Sofia University, Bulgaria in 1981. He earned his MSc in Electronic Engineering, VLSI Design at the Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany in 1986. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany in 2002.

Read his LinkedIn profile.