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Ross D. Andersen

Ross D. Andersen is a writer based out of Washington D.C. He is the Science Editor at the Los Angeles Review of Books, a correspondent for The Atlantic, and a contributor to The Economist. His main interests are cosmology, space exploration, nature, and the philosophy of technology.

His articles include Golden Eye, An Eye Without an ‘I’: Justice and the Rise of Automated Surveillance, Radical Life Extension Is Already Here, But We’re Doing it Wrong, Robots, Platinum, and Tiny Space Telescopes: The Pitch for Mining Asteroids, Has Physics Made Philosophy and Religion Obsolete?, How Big Data Is Changing Astronomy (Again), A Timothy Leary for the Viral Video Age, The Holy Cosmos: The New Religion of Space Exploration, Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun, and We’re Underestimating the Risk of Human Extinction.

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