Advisory Board

Dr. Sherry E. Bell

Sherry E. Bell, Ph.D. is Dean of Psychology at Kepler Space University, CEO at Advanced Personality-Based Consulting, and Assistant Secretary at National Space Society.
Sherry is an avid supporter of the Space Settlement Movement. From 2005 to 2009 she served as a Senior Leadership Advisor for the Aerospace Technology Working Group. She has made numerous presentations at the National Space Society’s annual conference, the International Space Development Conference, where she frequently Chairs a Track.
Sherry has published three chapters in space-related books and coedited the book Living in Space: Cultural and social dynamics, opportunities, and challenges in permanent space habitats.
She earned her B.S. in Psychology from California State University, Stanislaus, and her M.S. and Ph.D. from Capella University. She maintains a private practice where she teams with an M.D. working with weight loss issues.
Listen to Sherry on the The Space Show hosted by Dr. David Livingston. Listen to her 2006 appearance as well. Visit her Facebook page. Read her LinkedIn profile.