Professor Stefano Ermon
Stefano Ermon, Ph.D.
is Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at
Stanford University, where he is affiliated with the Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory and a fellow of the Woods Institute
for the Environment.
Stefano’s research is centered on techniques for scalable and accurate
inference in graphical models, statistical modeling of data, large-scale
combinatorial optimization, and robust decision making under
uncertainty, and is motivated by a range of applications, in particular
ones in the emerging field of computational sustainability.
His papers include
Sparse Gaussian Processes for Bayesian Optimization,
Model-Free Imitation Learning with Policy Optimization,
Variable Elimination in the Fourier Domain,
Learning and Inference via Maximum Inner Product Search,
Beyond Parity Constraints: Fourier Analysis of Hash Functions for Inference,
Tight Variational Bounds via Random Projections and I-Projections,
Transfer Learning from Deep Features for Remote Sensing and Poverty Mapping,
Closing the Gap Between Short and Long XORs for Model Counting.
Stefano earned his
Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at
Università degli Studi di Padova in 2006. He earned his Master
of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at
Università degli Studi di Padova in 2008 and his Master of Science
in Computer Science at Cornell University in 2013.
He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Cornell University in 2015.
Stefano Ermon | Computational Approaches to Sustainable Energy.
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LinkedIn profile.