Advisory Board

Dr. Valentina Margaria

Valentina Margaria, Ph.D. is Chief Technology Officer at BioToolset and BioMEMS R&D at TECHFAB S.r.l. Techfab is a Competence Center and Fabrication Facility whose mission is to support businesses and research centers involved in innovative industrial processes and technology transfer in microsystems and nanotechnologies. BioToolset is a spin-off project of Techfab BioMEMS.

Valentina was previously a member of the Sustainable Water Team Project at Singularity University and was PostDoc and Fellow at the IRCC Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment.

She coauthored p130Cas-associated Protein (p140Cap) as a New Tyrosine-phosphorylated Protein Involved in Cell Spreading and Regulation of the Rab5 GTPase-activating Protein RN-tre by the Dual Specificity Phosphatase Cdc14A in Human Cells.

Valentina earned her M.S. in Medical Biotechnology at Università degli Studi di Torino in 2003. She earned her Ph.D. in Complex Systems applied to post genomic biology with the thesis A novel Rab5-based signalling pathway participates in centrosome cohesion at the Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment in 2007. She graduated from the Singularity University in 2010.