Advisory Board

Alethia Berenice Montero Baena

Alethia Berenice Montero Baena is World Future Society Mexican Chapter Director and winner of the 2016 World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) President’s Outstanding Young Woman Futurist Award.
Alethia is a Psychofuturartist from Mexico City. Her profession belongs to a fusion among psychology, futures, and arts. She is the pioneer of Forward Theater on Latin America (Teatro del Devenir) and generative of Psychoprospective (“Future starts on the mind” working futures from the human essence) along with the Colombian Psychofuturartist Martha Jaramillo.
Studying the future can sound strange but it is possible and wonderful. In this video, Alethia talks about what are Futures Studies (FS), known as Prospective (Prospectiva) in Latin America, from her particular perception and her experience through working with several groups, multiple attendance to conferences, several reviewed materials, and the interaction with people related to FS and human beings in general.
Alethia helped with the translations for Prospectiva Para Pequenas Empresas and Es TU Futuro: ¡Hazlo bueno!. Both books were authored by our Verne Wheelwright. Watch Alethia MONTERO — The Forward Theater. Read her LinkedIn profile.