Lifeboat Foundation CommPreserver
By the Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board. This is an ongoing program so you may submit suggestions to [email protected].
CommPreserver explores new communication technology for surviving existential events. Areas that this program will cover are:- EMP – Hardening computer/comm assets (shielding) and low-vulnerability electronics (using tubes instead of semiconductors).
- Redundant systems including amateur radio communications run by volunteer organizations such as ARES.
- Solar power electrical generation including solar power from space.

Colored version of illustrations from the 1994 U.S. Army report
Nuclear Environment Survivability. The mechanism is for a
400 km high altitude burst EMP: gamma rays hit the atmosphere between
20–40 km altitude, ejecting electrons which are then deflected sideways
by the earth’s magnetic field. This makes the electrons radiate EMP
over a massive area. Because of the curvature of earth’s magnetic field
over the USA, the maximum EMP occurs south of the detonation and the
minimum occurs to the north.