Read our new report 23 Things Science Can Tell Us about Life, the Universe, and Everything and post your comments here!
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Read our new report 23 Things Science Can Tell Us about Life, the Universe, and Everything and post your comments here!
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Just a comment on number 7 on the list. I am in my mid 30’s and always hear from people what an amazing memory I have, from family members to friends, to associates that cannot remember a clients name that I save the day for them on. And I have to say on remembering the names of people I do use a lot of word association. But I will say that the things I associate the names to are memories of people with the same name? Also as far as smell bringing back memories for us, It’s kinda like songs. We all have different sound tracks to our lives, Maybe you grew up listening to whatever your parents listened to as a kid, Those songs would trigger memories of your parents. As a teenager you start to get your own opinion of music and form your own taste. So of course you would have songs that remind you of your teen yrs. And so on. I think the smell part triggering memories is another sense’s track of our lives. For instance as a very young child i had a huge Lilac tree growing outside my bedroom window and in the summer when the windows were open my room smelled of Lilacs. To this day whenever I smell Lilac I think of my room there as a child, and when I buy some Lilac and keep it in my house, I seem to sleep better? Could it be that the Lilac is a smell from a simpler time in my life and allows my brain to pull out the filing cabinet of memory where i slept peaceful with no worries. I think about that a lot. As well I can remember things people were wearing 10 yrs ago. What they said, Where we ate. Is my mind just more stimulated in that area. Thanks for listening.
Aether Wave Theory considers Universe random and it models it with nested density fluctuations of infinitely dense gas and/or with wave equation in infinite number of dimensions. This model can explain most of the question above.
In regards to time travel, it is possible to travel into the future — all you have to do is travel really really fast. The link below is on time dilation, the phenomenon that this arises from.
There cannot be randomness in an evolving universe!!!
Higgs Particle? Dark Energy/Matter? Epigenetics?
Update Concepts-Comprehension…
Evolution Is The Quantum Mechanics Of Natural Selection.
The quantum mechanics of every process is its evolution.
Quantum mechanics are mechanisms, possible or probable or actual mechanisms of natural selection.
Universe-Energy-Mass-Life Compilation
A. The Universe
From the Big-Bang it is a rationally commonsensical conjecture that the gravitons, the smallest base primal particles of the universe, must be both mass and energy, i.e. inert mass yet in motion even at the briefest fraction of a second of the pre Big Bang singularity. This is rationally commonsensical since otherwise the Big would not have Banged, the superposition of mass and energy would not have been resolved.
The universe originates, derives and evolves from this energy-mass dualism which is possible and probable due to the small size of the gravitons.
Since gravitation Is the propensity of energy reconversion to mass and energy is mass in motion, gravity is the force exerted between mass formats.
All the matter of the universe is a progeny of the gravitons evolutions, of the natural selection of mass, of some of the mass formats attaining temporary augmented energy constraint in their successive generations, with energy drained from other mass formats, to temporarily postpone, survive, the reversion of their own constitutional mass to the pool of cosmic energy fueling the galactic clusters expansion set in motion by the Big Bang.
B. Earth Life
Earth Life is just another mass format. A self-replicating mass format. Self-replication is its mode of evolution, natural selection. Its smallest base primal units are the RNAs genes.
The genesis of RNAs genes, life’s primal organisms, is rationally commonsensical thus highly probable, the “naturally-selected” RNA nucleotides. Life began/evolved on Earth with the natural selection of inanimate RNA, then of some RNA nucleotides, then arriving at the ultimate mode of natural selection, self-replication.
C. Know Thyself. Life Is Simpler Than We Are Told
The origin-reason and the purpose-fate of life are mechanistic, ethically and practically valueless. Life is the cheapest commodity on Earth.
As Life is just another mass format, due to the oneness of the universe it is commonsensical that natural selection is ubiquitous for ALL mass formats and that life, self-replication, is its extension. And it is commonsensical, too, that evolutions, broken symmetry scenarios, are ubiquitous in all processes in all disciplines and that these evolutions are the “quantum mechanics” of the processes.
Human life is just one of many nature’s routes for the natural survival of RNAs, the base primal Earth organisms.
Life’s evolution, self-replication:
Genes (organisms) to genomes (organisms) to mono-cellular to multicellular organisms:
Individual mono-cells to cooperative mono-cells communities, “cultures”.
Mono-cells cultures to neural systems, then to nerved multicellular organisms.
Human life is just one of many nature’s routes for the natural survival of RNAs, the base Earth organism.
It is up to humans themselves to elect the purpose and format of their life as individuals and as group-members.
Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)
An Embarrassingly Obvious Theory Of Everything
I just saw your list for the first time, dear Eric, and am very impressed.