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New Implant Will Help Patients Regenerate Their Own Heart Valves
First distributed quantum algorithm brings quantum supercomputers closer
Brain-computer interface study wins 2025 Top Ten Clinical Research Achievement Award
Vitamin K supplement slows prostate cancer in mice
South Korean professor develops toilet that turns human waste into energy
UNIST’s Breakthrough Additive Enhances Lithium-air Battery Efficiency and Lifespan
Disorganizing rare-earth ions may improve quantum information storage
Japan launches FAST fusion project
SLAP and FLOP vulnerabilities in Apple CPUs
SparkCat — first OCR trojan stealer to infiltrate the App Store
VeinViewer Flex
Altilium files patent application for its EcoCathode™ recycling process
Top 5 AI Network Monitoring Use Cases and Real-Life Examples
Could AI Stop Aging by 2032? Exploring Kurzweil’s Predictions
Directed Energy Weapons Are Real… And Disruptive
Advanced Brain Circuit-Mapping Technique Reveals New Anxiety Drug Target
Transplantation of chemically induced pluripotent stem-derived islets under abdominal anterior rectus sheath in a type 1 diabetes patient
Production of novel theranostic nano-vector based on superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles/miR-497 targeting colorectal cancer
China’s Tiangong experiments generate oxygen, rocket fuel in exploration advance
Engineered heart muscle allografts for heart repair in primates and humans
A new hydrogel semiconductor represents a breakthrough for tissue-interfaced bioelectronics
How to keep AI from killing us all
Histotripsy at Providence Mission Hospital Mission Viejo
IPS Cells Give New Hope Against Eye Diseases / The Government of Japan
New advances in the treatment of intermediate and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
Transparent device harvests radio frequency and solar power to improve power outputs
Researchers combine holograms and AI to create uncrackable optical encryption system
Rare earth quantum information
CIA Report Reignites COVID-19 Origins Debate
AI in Real Estate: 16 Game-Changing Use Cases & Examples
Artificial intelligence meets “blisk” in new DARPA-funded collaboration
Hydrogels for active photonics
Achieving bone regeneration and adhesion with harmless visible light
Integrated spin wave storage advances quantum networks
Flying green: ion propulsion in the atmosphere
A quantum walk simulation of extra dimensions with warped geometry
A3ML: Anticipatory and Adaptive Anti-Money Laundering