Jul 20, 2014

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at www.amazon.com/author/agostini AND www.linkedin.com/in/andresagostini

Posted by in category: futurism


REUTERS: China appoints special envoy for Afghanistan http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/18/us-china-afghanist…1Z20140718

We know what you’re thinking: Researchers reveal mind-reading device that can monitor short term memory in real time http://dailym.ai/UjvthH

The ‘injectable foam’ that could stop soldiers bleeding to death on the battlefield www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2697428/The-injectab…field.html

The ‘virtual reality’ helmet that lets fighter pilots see in the dark without goggles — and knows exactly where its wearer is looking http://dailym.ai/1nXwibK

Work and the Future: Who Will? Who Won’t? http://www.21stcentech.com/work-future-will/

Can robots replace human writers? http://bly.com/blog/general/can-robots-replace-human-writers…ign=buffer

How your electronic DNA could be the secure login of the future http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jul/18/how-your-e…the-future

Twitter really wants to convince people it’s growing http://businesstech.co.za/news/internet/63241/twitter-really…s-growing/

Google shuffle gets fresh eyes on business goals http://businesstech.co.za/news/internet/63239/google-shuffle…ess-goals/

Google Offers A Free Crash Course In Android Development http://techcrunch.com/2014/07/15/google-offers-up-a-free-cra…velopment/

California Hastens Tax Breaks to Lure Aerospace Industry http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-07-18/california-…ustry.html

Systems engineer arrested in massive data leak in Japan http://www.cio.com/article/2455322/systems-engineer-arrested…tk.rss_all

Wearable Tech Startups Don’t Have Business Models to Drive Adoption, Researchers Say http://bit.ly/1n6HqT8

Iran is pushing limits on nuclear deal, former Obama advisor warns http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-obama-advisor-…story.html

HIV establishes viral reservoirs with surprising speed http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/

Practice Might Make You A Better Chess Player, But It Won’t Make You Valedictorian http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/16/practice-benefits-m…mg00000033

Here’s What Happens When An Amoeba ‘Eats’ The Brain http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/19/brain-eating-amoeba…ef=science

Americans have witnessed over 100 mass shootings since 2009 http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/americans-have-witnessed-more-100…0_28148456

Microsoft’s Silicon Valley Envy http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/currency/2014/07/micro…-envy.html

REUTERS: U.S. presses case against Russia on downed jet as horror deepens http://reut.rs/WnFCvg

Climate data reflects trends of a warming planet http://www.gsnmagazine.com/node/41888?c=infrastructure_protection

White House acts to help communities prepare for impacts of climate change http://www.gsnmagazine.com/node/41852?c=infrastructure_protection

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at www.amazon.com/author/agostini AND www.linkedin.com/in/andresagostini

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