May 24, 2016

Top international award for UNSW Australia quantum computing chief

Posted by in categories: computing, electronics, nanotechnology, quantum physics

Love this; Congrats to Michelle Simmons and her work on QC — Superstar females in STEM.

For her world-leading research in the fabrication of atomic-scale devices for quantum computing, UNSW Australia’s Scientia Professor Michelle Simmons has been awarded a prestigious Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology.

Two international Feynman prizes, named in honour of the late Nobel Prize winning American physicist Richard Feynman, are awarded each year in the categories of theory and experiment to researchers whose work has most advanced Feynman’s nanotechnology goal of molecular manufacturing.

Professor Simmons, director of the UNSW-based Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, won the experimental prize for her work in “the new field of atomic-electronics, which she created”.

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