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Feb 18, 2019

The complex reality of China’s social credit system: hi-tech dystopian plot or low-key incentive scheme?

Posted by in category: business

But as the Chinese authorities embrace new information technology to monitor, manage and control the public like never before, the prospect of a sweeping social credit system has raised alarm around the world, especially with the ever-tightening grip on civil society, rights activism and religion.

A dozen or so cities are test beds for carrot-and-stick programmes to encourage businesses and individuals to comply with existing rules. The schemes have been criticised as Orwellian, but experience varies for those on the ground.

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Feb 17, 2019

360° Giant Sequoias on a Changing Planet – Part 2

Posted by in category: futurism

Join scientists atop the biggest trees on earth in this stunning 360° footage.

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Feb 17, 2019

IBM researchers develop a technique to virtually patch vulnerabilities ahead of threat

Posted by in category: security

Researchers at IBM have recently devised a new technique to virtually patch security vulnerabilities before they are found. Their approach, presented at the International Workshop on Information and Operational Technology, co-located with RAID18, leverages testing techniques for supervised learning-based data generation.

“While researching a solution to find security vulnerabilities in popular software, we paused to think about the following problem: We know practically and theoretically that it is impossible to find all vulnerabilities in an application, and the security community is in a constant race to discover those vulnerabilities in the hope of finding them before the bad guys do,” Fady Copty, lead researcher of the study, told TechXplore. “This means enforcing regulations and constantly deploying to systems.”

Deploying a on an application is a tedious and time-consuming task, which entails a series of steps: identifying the vulnerable version of the application, managing this , delivering the , deploying it and then restarting the application. Often, patches are deployed over long periods of time, hence can remain vulnerable for a period after a vulnerability has been discovered. To speed up this process, researchers have recently introduced virtual patches, which are enforced using intrusion detection and prevention systems.

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Feb 17, 2019

Researchers keeps wraps on automatic text generator to prevent misuse

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI

Researchers this week announced they had developed an automatic text generator using artificial intelligence which is very good—so good, it is keeping details private for now.

That software developed by OpenAI could be used to generate , product reviews and other kinds of writing which may be more realistic than anything developed before by computer.

OpenAI, a research center backed by Tesla’s Elon Musk, Amazon and Microsoft, said the new software “achieves state-of-the-art performance on many language modeling benchmarks,” including summarization and translating.

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Feb 17, 2019

How learning more about neuroscience might influence development of improved AI systems

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, robotics/AI

Deep-learning neural networks have come a long way in the past several years—we now have systems that are capable of beating people at complex games such as shogi, Go and chess. But is the progress of such systems limited by their basic architecture? Shimon Ullman, with the Weizmann Institute of Science, addresses this question in a Perspectives piece in the journal Science and suggests some ways computer scientists might reach beyond simple AI systems to create artificial general intelligence (AGI) systems.

Deep learning networks are able to learn because they have been programmed to create artificial neurons and the connections between them. As they encounter , new neurons and communication paths between them are formed—very much like the way the operates. But such systems require extensive training (and a feedback system) before they are able to do anything useful, which stands in stark contrast to the way that humans learn. We do not need to watch thousands of people in action to learn to follow someone’s gaze, for example, or to figure out that a smile is something positive.

Ullman suggests this is because humans are born with what he describes as preexisting network structures that are encoded into our neural circuitry. Such structures, he explains, provide growing infants with an understanding of the physical world in which they exist—a base upon which they can build more that lead to general intelligence. If computers had similar structures, they, too, might develop physical and social skills without the need for thousands of examples.

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Feb 17, 2019

There’s a black hole that could erase your past and let you live out infinite futures, study suggests

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics, singularity

According to most astrophysicists, once you enter a black hole, that’s it for you: gravity will drag you to the singularity — a one-dimensional infinitely small space containing a huge mass — at the speed of light. Then, the black hole will ‘spaghettify you”. Nice.

However, a new study from Berkley University theorises not only that humans could survive going into a black hole, but that their past could be erased, giving way to “infinite futures”.

Physicist Peter Hintz argues that if a human traveller entered a “relatively benign” black hole, they might be able to shed the natural laws of physics — and survive.

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Feb 17, 2019

This New ‘Trojan Horse’ Drug Successfully Treated 6 Types of Cancer Tumor

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A toxic antibody is the latest weapon to show promise as a broad spectrum treatment for multiple forms of advanced cancer.

Dubbed a ‘Trojan horse’ approach to chemotherapy, the new drug has proven itself worthy of moving up the chain of clinical trials to being tested on a greater variety of patients. It’s not a fabled cure-all, but this approach might be as close as we’re going to get.

Researchers from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust tested the new treatment in a clinical trial involving 147 patients to evaluate its potential benefits and risks of side effects.

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Feb 17, 2019

The magical thinking of guys who love logic

Posted by in category: neuroscience

There are a lot of people who like to claim themselves as “supremely logical.” The ones who insist that their every thought is controlled by reason and not emotions. Of course, this is incorrect. Outside of people with certain kinds of brain damage, people are not logical beings. Especially since there’s no definition of logic that fits the definition of what lot’s of people refer to as logic.

Why so many men online love to use “logic” to win an argument, and then disappear before they can find out they’re wrong.

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Feb 17, 2019

Elon Musk says SpaceX is developing a ‘bleeding’ heavy-metal rocket ship. Making it work may be 100 times as hard as NASA’s most difficult Mars mission, one expert says

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, Elon Musk, space travel

SpaceX is building a steel launch system called Starship for the moon and Mars, but some aerospace experts say Elon Musk’s new design won’t be easy.

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Feb 17, 2019

Best apps and gadgets to repel mosquitoes

Posted by in category: mobile phones

Ah, warm weather. It’s time for t-shirts, backyard barbecues, pool parties, and madly swatting at mosquitoes as the biting insects come out from hiding to make our outdoor experiences miserable.

There are some traditional ways of fighting off the flying pests. You can slather on insect-repellent sprays and lotions, light citronella candles, or just keep smacking the bugs when they land on you. Or you can try out some newer methods, including interesting gadgets that take on the problem.

You may even have heard about smartphone apps that are designed to deter mosquitoes, but there’s something you need to know about those.

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