May 29, 2019

Dr. Mercola Warns On The Impending 5G Apocalypse

Posted by in categories: education, existential risks, internet


The fact that the Technocrat elite flatly ignore stern and documented warnings against 5G, indicates that they have some ulterior agenda that they must accomplish regardless of the negative impact on humans. It is the establishment of Technocracy, aka, Scientific Dictatorship. ⁃ TN Editor.

Are you still under the misconception that unchecked exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation is of no concern? Then I urge you to view the featured documentary, “5G Apocalypse — The Extinction Event” by Sacha Stone.

Please understand that while I am not in agreement with some of Stone’s conspiracy theories on the militarization of these frequencies, the science is beyond solid to justify concern about 5G without throwing in conspiracy allegations. I do believe that, overall, the documentary was well done and nicely packages the nonconspiracy information.

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  1. Dlld says:

    Maybe you should realize 5G is in the non ionising section of the electromagnetic spectrum and stop blindly following quacks such as Dr. Mercola if you want credibility.